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Danh mục trong Fate/complete material III.



[v] Fate/complete material III: Tài liệu về thế giới quan - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Archer, trang 026-027 [T]

Trường phái: Archer
Master: Tohsaka Rin
Thiên tính: Trung lập (True Neutral)
Giới tính: Nam
Chiều cao: 187cm
Cân nặng: 78kg
Trang bị: Áo choàng đỏ

Sức mạnh: D
Sức bền: C
Nhanh nhẹn: C
Ma lực: B
May mắn: E
Bảo khí: ??

Lúc còn ở nhân gian

Đây chính là Shirou Emiya sau khi trở thành anh linh ở tương lai. Shirou đã tích cực rèn luyện bản thân sau cuộc chiến chén thánh và theo đuổi giấc mơ trở thành siêu anh hùng. Tuy nhiên sau đó, Shirou nhanh chóng rơi vào nỗi tuyệt vọng khi anh nhận ra rằng với sức mạnh hiện giờ của bản thân mình thì anh không thể nào cứu được nhân loại được. Trước những con người sắp chết, Emiya đã ký khế ước với "Thế giới" và trở thành người anh hùng tạo ra những kỳ tích nhưng thế rồi anh có một cái chết bi thảm do chính sự phản bội của những người đồng đội của mình. Dù Shirou chết vì bị phản bội, nhưng anh không hề căm hận nhân loại. Tuy nhiên trớ trêu thay, dưới tư cách là một Anh Linh, "Thế Giới" lại giao cho anh nhiệm vụ là "giết hết toàn bộ nhân lại tại một địa điểm đã được định sẵn khi nhân loại đã đến bờ vực của sự tiêu vong" --- một "Ức Chỉ Thủ Hộ Giả".

Chiến thuật

Vì Emiya là một Anh Linh từ tương lai nên anh là một anh hùng vô danh. Thêm vào đó, Emiya không hề sở hữu bất cứ Bảo Khí nào và chính vì thế mà sức mạnh cơ bản của cậu thua kém nhiều Servants khác. Tuy vậy, với khả năng thiết lập chiến thuật vô cùng đặc biệt và kinh nghiệm chiến đấu của mình đã định hình cho Emiya có được một cách chiến đấu đặc trưng cho riêng mình khi so với những Servant khác. Đặc tính của trường phái Archer là những đòn tấn công từ xa, nhưng Emiya lại ưa thích đánh cận chiến và lúc nào cũng giấu đi lá bài tẩy của mình, vì thế anh tập trung sử dụng chiến thuật tấn công cận chiến bằng cách sử dụng hai thanh đao Can Tương và Mạc Tà khi đối mặt với những Servant khác. Lý do mà một Emiya vô danh không sở hữu bất cứ Bảo Khí nào, có thế đối trọng và thậm chí vượt trội hơn so với những Servant khác, chính là việc cậu có khả năng thiết lập Cố Hữu Kết Giới “Unlimited Blade Works”, nơi chứa đựng "toàn bộ những yếu tố cần thiết để kiến tạo những thanh kiếm". Kết Giới này có thể sao chép bất cứ vũ khí nào mà Emiya thấy được và lưu trữ lại trong kết giới. Trong cuộc chiến chén thánh lần thứ năm, những vũ khí được chứa đựng trong kết giới đã vượt qua con số một ngàn. Emiya có thể triệu hồi và sử dụng bất cứ vũ khí nào tùy theo tình hình cụ thể, và anh cũng có thể tấn công đối thủ bằng cách bắng những Bảo Khí của mình từ Kết Giới như những mũi tên y như cách mà Gilgamesh sử dụng "Gate of Babylon". Chiến thuật sở trường của Emiya chính là bắng những Bảo Khí được sao chép như những mũi tên - "Hoại Ảo Khí". Khi va chạm, sức mạnh ma thuật bên trong những Bảo Khí đó sẽ phát nổ, tạo ra sức hủy diệt vô cùng lớn. Bằng hình thức tấn công từ xa này khi giáp mặt với các Servant chuyên đánh cận chiến, Emiya có thể chuyển từ thế bất lợi sang lợi thế cho mình.

Kỹ năng trường phái

Kháng Ma Lực: D

Khả năng kháng ma lực của Emiya rất yếu và nó ở hạng D. Nói cách khác, chỉ cần ma thuật với hơn một đoạn sẽ vô hiệu hóa khả năng này. Cấp độ kháng ma lực này tương đương với việc sử dụng bùa hộ thân kháng ma thuật. Khả năng kháng ma lực này có thể bị một pháp sư ở đẳng cấp tương đối mạnh vượt qua dễ dàng. Vì Emiya có khả năng kháng ma lực khá yếu cho nên khi đối mặt với những loại ma thuật mạnh hoặc phép triệu hồi thì anh sẽ bị đánh bại dễ dàng. Ngay cả những ma thuật lớn hơn hai đoạn cũng có thể làm anh bị trọng thương. Chính vì vậy nên Emiya thường ở thế bất lợi khi đối đầu với Caster, một servant sở hữu nhiều loại ma thuật rất mạnh. Tùy vào tình hình cụ thể, Emiya có thể sẽ thậm chí phải chú ý đến những đòn tấn công từ các Master, những người là pháp sư thực thụ.

Hành Động Độc Lập: B

Bình thường nếu một Servant mất đi Master của mình thì Servant đó sẽ biết mất trong vài giờ tới nếu anh ta không được cung cấp đủ mana cần thiết để có thể tồn tại ở nhân gian. Mỗi Servant có một khoảng thời gian tồn tại dài ngắn khác nhau, nhưng Emiya có thể tồn tại ở nhân gian trong vòng hai ngày mà không cần đến sự hỗ trợ từ Master của mình chính vì nhờ vào khả năng Hành Động Độc Lập hạng B của mình. Tuy nhiên, đây lại là giá trị lý tưởng trong quá trình anh chuyển hóa toàn bộ lượng ma lực của mình và tránh những cuộc giao tranh cùng với việc sử dụng Bảo Khí của mình.

Trong kịch bản Unlimited Blade Works, Master của Emiya chuyển qua từ Rin sang Madea và sau khi anh giết Maeda, Emiya vẫn tiếp tục hành động độc lập và quyết đấu với Emiya Shirou. Qua những sự kiện trên, ta có thể nhận biết được rằng năng lực của Emiya là có thể tồn tại một mình. Thêm vào đó, cho dù nếu lõi linh hồn của Emiya có bị thương tổn nặng nề, anh vẫn có thể tồn tại trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn. Khả năng này cho phép Emiya có thể bí mật theo dõi Shirou và vẫn có thể tồn tại như một thực thể linh hồn cho dù bị Shirou đánh bại sau trận quyết đấu giữa anh và cậu. Thậm chí sau khi trận đấu giữa Shirou và Gilgamesh tại đền Ryudo kết thúc, Emiya vẫn xuất hiện trước mặt Gilgamesh khi Servant này dùng dây xích cố kéo Shirou vào bóng tối chung với anh ta. Emiya bắn tên vào giữa mặt Gilgamesh và làm anh ta bị cuốn luôn một mình vào bóng tối. Mũi tên được bắn ra là một mũi tên thường, sau đòn tấn công đó thì Emiya từ từ biến mất và đó chính là giới hạn tồn tại của anh khi không có Master.

Kỹ năng sở hữu

Thiên Lý Nhãn: C

Năng lực thị giác này còn được gọi là "Mắt Diều Hâu". Đây là năng lực đặc trưng của trường phái Archer. Nó cũng thường xuyên được sử dụng trong lúc Emiya đi thám thính. Chỉ cần đứng ở một vị trí cao là đủ để anh nhìn bao quát toàn bộ thị trấn và quan sát hành động của kẻ địch. Thêm vào đó, Thiên Lý Nhãn sẽ tác động lên độ chính xác khi bắn tên. Thêm vào đó, lúc Emiya giương cung bắn, anh có thể nhắm bắn chính xác mọi kẻ địch trong phạm vi 4km dù họ di chuyển nhanh thế nào đi chăng nữa.
Archer, sở hữu Thiên Lý Nhãn, có thể thực hiện "những cú bắn tỉa với khoảng cách cực kỳ xa" vô cùng chính xác. Đây là một kỹ năng siêu việt của anh, vượt quá khả năng của một người bình thường.

Ma Thuật: C-

Lúc còn sống, ma thuật mà Emiya học được là không đáng kể. Trước khi trở thành Anh Linh, ngay cả phép Cường Hóa cũng là một loại ma thuật khó thực hiện đối với cậu. Tuy vậy, phép Chiếu Ảnh mà cậu sở hữu lại rất đặc biệt, nó có thể giúp cậu sao chép lại bất cứ vũ khí nào, kể cả thành phần cấu tạo của nó và đạt đến độ tinh xảo gần như hoàn chỉnh so với nguyên bản. Thêm vào đó, trong quá trình sao chép, anh học luôn cả kỹ năng sử dụng của chủ nhân vũ khí đó, qua đó cho phép anh có được tất cả mọi loại Bảo Khí cũng như các kỹ năng sử dụng chúng. Lúc còn sống, Emiya thường hay thực hiện bước cơ bản đầu tiên của việc tái tạo - "phân tích cấu trúc" để tìm ra lỗi của vũ khí và tiến hành sửa chữa.

Tâm Nhãn (thật): B

Khả năng cảm nhận thấy nguy hiểm đến gần và sử dụng những thông tin đã thu thập được làm nền tảng, để có thể đoán trước được hành động của kẻ địch và thay đổi tình thế hiện tại. Đây không phải là tài năng bẩm sinh của anh mà là kinh nghiệm qua quá trình chiến đấu tích lũy lại mà thành. Một vũ khí đặc trưng mà chỉ duy nhất con người sở hữu, thông qua một quá trình tập luyện gian khổ. Bằng cách sử dụng Tâm Nhãn, Emiya đã chặn được những đòn tấn công của Cú Chulainn vốn dĩ mắt thường khó mà theo kịp được.
Dù cho Tâm Nhãn ở mức B, Emiya vẫn không thể nào thấy được những đòn tấn công kèm theo đó nhiệt huyết đang nung nấu và chảy trong người Emiya Shirou và ý chí quyết tâm thúc đẩy "lý tưởng" đó thành sự thật.

Bảo Khí

Unlimited Blade Works
Xếp Hạng: E~A++
Loại: ???
Phạm Vi: ???
Mục Tiêu Tối Đa: ???

Là "Kết Giới Trời Ban" của Emiya. Đây chính là sức mạnh của một anh linh không có bất cứ Bảo Khí nào. Bên trong kết giới là một thế giới giống như một nhà máy luyện thép, tràn ngập các loại vũ khí, lửa và những bánh răng khổng lồ. Vô số thanh kiếm được cắm xuống đất thành một dãy trải dài mãi khắp kết giới. Phần lớn vũ khí trong kết giới là những Bảo Khí của những Anh Linh được sao chép lại thông qua phép Chiếu Ảnh, từng vũ khí đều chứa đựng sức mạnh kinh hồn. Mặc dù phần lớn trong số chúng là kiếm, cũng có Bảo Khí với sức mạnh phòng thủ tuyệt đối trước những vũ khí được dùng để ném, đó chính là lá chắn “Rho Aias”, cũng được sao chép và lưu trữ trong kết giới này. Tuy vậy, khả năng sao chép này lại khiến những Bảo Khí cũng bị giảm một hạng so với nguyên bản.
Emiya không chỉ có thể tự do sử dụng những vũ khí được lưu trữ trong Unlimited Blade Works, anh còn có thể biến đổi những vũ khí theo ý muốn của mình, điển hình là Caladabolg II. Thêm vào đó, Shirou có thể sử dụng hết hiệu quả khả năng tái tạo liên tục: sử dụng Bảo Khí như những mũi tên được dùng để bắn đi và sau đó giải phóng ma lực được dồn trong từng bảo khí - chiến thuật này được gọi là "Hoại Ảo Khí".

Rho Aias
Tấm khiên được người anh hùng trong chiến tranh thành Troia, Aias, sử dụng. Đây là Bảo Khí với Kết Giới có sức mạnh phòng thủ tuyệt đối với các vũ khí dùng để ném đi.

Can Tương và Mạc Tà

Hai thanh đao trong truyền thuyết Trung Quốc cổ đại. Thanh Hùng Kiếm và Thư Kiếm dựa theo thuyết Âm - Dương. Vũ khí cận chiến ưa thích nhất của Emiya.

Caladbolg II

Thanh kiếm huyền thoại “Caladbolg” của Ulster Cycle, được Emiya tái tạo và biến đổi. Không phải là một thanh kiếm hữu dụng, nên vì thế Archer sử dụng nó như một mũi tên dưới dạng "Hoại Ảo Khí".


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Assassin, p.034-035 [T]

Kojiro Sasaki
Class: Assassin
Master: Medea
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sex: Male
Height: 176cm
Weight: 63kg
Weapon: Katana

Noble Phantasm: ??

Kojiro Sasaki. A Japanese man without a real identity, and it may not be an overstatement to say that he has never existed. He was described as the rival of Nitoryu sword master Miyamoto Musashi, and a handsome swordsman who skillfully wielded the 3-shaku-long (approximately 1m) nodachi “Bizen Osahune Nagamitsu” which is also called “Monohoshi Zao”. His duel with Miyamoto Musashi at Funajima Island, such lines as “Kojiro has been defeated!”, and the finale of death by having his forehead crushed by an oar are all legendary. Although he was said to be the disciple of Chujoryu kodachi master Toda Seigen, there are numerous conflicting documentations and legends, which still shroud his true identity even now.
The “Kojiro Sasaki” summoned in Fate/Stay Night is not a Heroic Spirit. He is an existence closer to wraiths. He was a nameless martial artist given the name Kojiro Sasaki. What his real identity was, there is no way to know. He seemed to be related to the Ryudo Temple. He uses a long Japanese katana and discovered the ultimate technique “Tsubame Gaeshi”... and these are absolutely all he possesses. His pursuit of sword technique, sophistication, and finding joy in duelling with strong foes are all reminiscent of the legendary Kojiro Sasaki: cool and elegant.
Assassin’s differences with Kojiro are that, his katana is longer (approximately 1.5m), and the engraving on the katana is “Bitchu Aoe” (Blue River of Bitchu).

Although a Servant of the Assassin class, he does not employ assassination techniques such as ambush, instead frequently choosing to fight face-to-face. During battle, Assassin counters the opponent’s attack with sword techniques and Eye of the Mind, or simply by dodging. If he detects an opening, he would decapitate the opponent with the 5-shaku katana with certainty. Also, Assassin can deliver slashes even while standing idly, without assuming any stances. His technique is extremely swift, and very difficult to read. Kojiro Sasaki’s ultimate weapon is the technique that has reached the pinnacle of training and approaching True Magic --- Tsubame Gaeshi. It is an attack that delivers 3 slashes simultaneously, enough to overwhelm even Artoria.

Class Abilities

Presence Concealment: D
Since he is not a true Servant Assassin, this is not a class ability. It is his intrinsic ability as a martial artist to “cut off his presence”. This is not a skill to hide, but a technique of the mind for the martial artist to merge with his surroundings. Because this is not a skill trained for assassination, it cannot match the Presence Concealment of Hassan. In reality, a Kojiro Sasaki who cuts off his presence is an opponent that is hard to detect even for a Servant. It is extremely difficult to perceive Kojiro during the first encounter. However, because his activity is restrained to within the range of the Ryudo Temple Gate, those who know the existence of Kojiro can detect him relatively easily. With this said, due to Kojiro’s personality, battles are usually commenced only after the parties have presented and introduced themselves. As a result, this ability is rarely used for its original purpose.

Personal Abilities

Eye of the Mind (False): A
Premonition (“Spidey-sense”) or sixth sense, very different from Emiya’s danger avoidance originated from “predictions augmented by experience”. It may be called a natural talent to sense danger. During the Grail War, in the battle with Artoria, Kojiro crossed blade with an invisible sword numerous times. He was able to use this ability to gauge even the length and width of the sword, and see through the fact that Artoria was unable to use her Noble Phantasm attack due to a lack of mana.
See through the weapon and style of his opponent after crossing blades only a few times, the perception of his eyes is the best among Servants.

Vitrification: B+
An ability commonly called “heart of clear water”. More precisely, it is a mental state acquired after reaching the pinnacle of arduous training. With this ability, Kojiro is able to maintain a cool and collected heart, regardless the situation. For example, even facing his very own death will not cause him to waver. During battle, mental interference such as charm and fear sorceries activated by the opponent is completely neutralised. For a “gate guardian”, this ability is certainly very useful.
Like the many trees that surround the Ryudo Temple, Kojiro watches the gate in silence with a heart of clear water, just like an unwavering guardian.

Knowledge of Respect and Harmony: B
A special ability that prevents the reduction of accuracy regardless how many times the same technique has been used on one foe. In other words, the ability to “render one’s attacks unreadable to the enemy”. Although Kojiro and Artoria crossed blades numerous times, due to this ability, Artoria still could not adapt to Kojiro’s technique despite having Rank A Instinct. Paired with Kojiro’s unique “head-shot” techniques, the effect is vastly increased.
No matter retreating and challenging him how many times, Artoria still cannot see through Kojiro’s techniques. She was always forced back to square one and fought as if it was the first encounter again.

Tsuabame Gaeshi
The ultimate sword technique that assaults the opponent from three directions “simultaneously”. Strictly speaking, this is neither a Noble Phantasm nor a magical phenomenon. The nameless martial artist who materialised as “Kojiro” sought nothing but the pinnacle of swordsmanship during his life. He trained himself in pursuit of swordsmanship, and doing nothing but swing his sword. After a long period of time, his technique finally reached another state. A flash from this world, followed by two absolutely simultaneous, over-lapping flashes that disregard the concept of time and space, producing a slash attack that arrives from three different directions. This is the “Multidimensional Refraction Phenomenon—Kischua Zelretch” that transcends speed, dexterity, feint and many other elements. Although with some limitations, a nameless martial artist who knows naught of sorcery or True Magic is able to tread into the realm of the “Second Magic”.
The range of this skill is approximately 3m. In order to deliver the first strike as a horizontal slash, Kojiro relinquished his high ground advantage over Artoria and moved to an equal level before unleashing this technique. You may discern how special a secret technique “Tsubame Gaeshi” is to Kojiro, who never assumes a stance, by observing how he lifts his sword and then swiftly launches the technique.


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Berserker, p.036-037 [T]

Class: Berserker
Master: Illyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: Chaotic Mad
Sex: Male
Height: 253cm
Weight: 311kg
Weapon: Axe-Sword

Noble Phantasm: A

A demigod hero of Greek Mythology, he was born between the King of Gods Zeus and a human girl. He received the violent hatred of Zeus' wife Hera because of his origins and was tormented by the goddess at every turn. However, he entirely overcame the difficulties he had been given, and was enshrined as a god in the end.

Heracles had an extremely violent temperament as an infant, and grew up as a shepherd in order to obtain a gentle heart. Having grown into a fine adult, Heracles was recognized for several feats, and gained two children as well as the right of succession to the throne. However, Hera made Heracles go temporarily insane and he killed his wife and children, ending up in the role of a slave to the king to atone for his sins. Here the jealous king gave him a challenge, the famous Twelve Labors. The Labors were all things that a human could not achieve but Heracles completed them safely, and at the same time he was freed from slavery, he received an immortal body.

However, the adventures of Heracles and Hera's hatred did not end there. Hera's numerous artifices resulted in Heracles' poisoning by his own wife from his second marriage. In his final moments, Heracles cremated himself, surrendering to Zeus's judgment. The gods after consulting recognize Heracles' feats, and he was recruited as a god like his father, becoming a constellation.

An excellent warrior, he possesses the qualifications corresponding to six classes excluding Caster. Other than specializing with the bow, he has mastered every weapon. However, all that is talk about times when he is not Berserker. Heracles as a Berserker has lost his rationality, and exists only to utterly defeat the enemy from the front as directed by Ilya. Naturally, there is no such thing as detailed tactics, leaving it to physical ability and brandishing an axe-sword to strike. Astonishingly, with just that, it is a fact that he demonstrates hand-to-hand combat abilities superior to every Servant. Without breaking to even think about defense, he leaves it to his Noble Phantasm "God Hand."

Class Abilities
Mad Enhancements: B
The Class Skill that characterizes Berserker, it reinforces ability at the cost of reason. As Heracles' possesses the skill at Rank B, in compensation for losing most of his sanity, the levels of all his abilities rise. Heracles beat his harp instructor to death when he was a child, and had many episodes when he killed people in his rage without even hearing them speak. It seems that for Heracles, Berserker that receives "Mad Enhancement" was an easy class to adapt to. Focusing on controllability when out of combat, the rank of "Mad Enhancement" is suppressed by Ilya.

Being close to the strongest Heroic Spirit, even restricted to simple direct melee as consequence of Mad Enhancement, Heracles was undoubtedly the strongest among the Servants. However, because of Mad Enhancement, a variety of sword techniques and skills, and a part of his Noble Phantasms was lost. Having his emotions also sealed off and not able to perform any personally motivated actions, only the reason within his core was not lost, having occasions when he felt something like the will to protect Ilya.

Personal Abilities
Battle Continuation: A
A skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. It will also reduce mortality rate from injury. Cú Chulainn’s Battle Continuation represents “never give up no matter what”, while Hercules’ represents the ability to survive. The Noble Phantasm that allows for resurrection after death, God Hand, has exceptional compatibility with the “will not die easily” skill Battle Continuation.
The best result is achieved when a resilient body is combined with this skill.

Eye of the Mind (False): B
A danger avoidance ability based on Intuition/Sixth Sense, gained through many ordeals and adventures. Even though Hercules’ sanity was lost due to Mad Enhancement, this skill remained effective as it is nearly an instinct. When crossing swords with a seasoned swordsman like Artoria, he would not fall for half-hearted feints. It is such a troublesome ability for Hercules’ opponents.

Although monstrous in size, Hercules has the highest rank in Agility. As a result, it is very difficult to corner him.

Bravery: A+
With his brave and daring spirit, Herakles is able to neutralise mental interference such as suppression, confusion and charm. However, under the influence of Mad Enhancement, this skill is unable to take effect. While operating correctly, Bravery also increases the damage inflicted upon the opponent during melee combat. This skill allowed Herakles to defeat several monsters empty-handed.

Even the brave warrior’s heart was painted over by the insanity of Mad Enhancement.

Divinity: A
Being a mixed-race child of the King of Gods Zeus and a human, and becoming a god after death, Herakles naturally possessed the highest level of the Divinity skill. However, this matter became a disaster, ending with his complete entrapment in Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm "Chains of Heaven" that grows in strength proportionate to the enemy's Divinity.

Noble Phantasm
God Hand: Twelve Labors
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: -
Maximum Targets:

A blessing of Gods, as well as a curse. It is a Noble Phantasm given to Heracles, representing immortality. This Noble Phantasm does not have an overt external manifestation such as a weapon or armour, but if you hazard to put a shape to it, the body itself can be called the Noble Phantasm. God Hand turns one’s body into a tough suit of armour and nullifies all attacks Rank B or lower, regardless the attack being physical or magical. It also has the effect of automatic resurrection after death. Because the resurrection effect has 11 uses, Heracles cannot perish unless killed 12 times. In addition, due to Ilya’s immense magical energy, given enough time, the lives lost can also be regenerated.

Resurrection as well as attack-nullification. Besides these two effects, God Hand also possesses a third effect: rendering an attack that it has experienced before useless. Regardless how powerful is the Noble Phantasm that defeated Heracles, it would be completely nullified after he resurrects.

Nine Lives: The Shooting Hundred Heads
Rank: -
Type: -
Range: -
Maximum Targets: -

Among Hercules’Noble Phantasms, he trusted this one the most. It was the Noble Phantasm which Hercules used to slay the immortal nine-headed serpent Hydra once upon a time, taking the form of bow and arrow. After killing the Hydra, Hercules could even utilise techniques that emulate the ability of this Noble Phantasm when wielding other weapons. In essence, it is “a high speed attack consisting of nine consecutive strikes, as swift as if the attacks are overlapping”. Even when delivered via sword, spear, or axe, this technique still boasts power on the level of Noble Phantasms. Also, just like Cú Chulainn’s demonic spear Gae Bolg has a technique called “Gae Bolg – Piercing Death Thorn”, Hercules’ technique shares the “Nine Lives – Shooting of Hundred Heads” name with the Noble Phantasm.

Shirou projected this secret sword technique while projecting Hercules’ Axe Sword, thus annihilating the Blackened Hercules. While summoned as a Berserker, Hercules could not use Nine Lives.

Blackening of Servants[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War:
Blackening of Servants, p.038 [T]

Blackening of Servants
The black mud in the Holy Grail contaminates the souls of those who touch it. It goes without saying for mere humans, and supernatural beings like Servants are no exception to this either. The contaminated person's personality reverses toward the orientation of evil. This is madness caused by touching Angra Mainyu. This is called "blackening". There are those who can use the black mud as part of their own power thanks to the properties of its contamination and those whose powerful egos have stayed back its mental pollution.
An example of the former is Matou Sakura and the latter is Gilgamesh. The blackened Servant is incarnated by the power of the Grail so the more concrete ties to the physical plane turns them into powerful beings.
Their physical interference power increases but at the same time they lose the ability to return to spirit form.
Also, as they no longer bother to restrain their magic energy consumption, their fighting ability jumps significantly. This momentum can be compared to a runaway train.
Because they are in that state, fine control is not possible, but in exchange, their destructive power increases.
They are fearful beings inflicting havoc and death upon the world. These are blackened Servants.


Saber Alternative
Class: Saber
Master: Matou Sakura
Alignment: Lawful Evil

MGI: A++
Noble Phantasm: A++

Saber Alternative, or Black Saber, is the name given to Artoria when she fell to Hassan, was consumed by the dark shadow, and obtained true incarnation during the "Heaven's Feel" route.
Artoria, now jet-black, could now invoke Excalibur without limit thanks to the enormous prana supply from the blackened Sakura. Thus, she could overwhelm Berserker Heracles even in a direct battle. Now unfettered and in a sense more powerful than she was in life, none can deny that she is the strongest Servant.

Class Abilities

Magic Resistance: B
Lower than original value due to the corruption. Still high, as it nullifies spells at B rank (activated within three counts) or lower, and it is difficult to harm her even with high thaumaturgy.

Riding: -
In the maddened state while blackened, the loss of fine control makes it impossible to ride beasts; rather, the mount cannot withstand it. Therefore, in reality one can consider the Riding ability lost.

Personal Skills

Instinct: B
Constant self-control is required to maintain Saber's reason while blackened. To focus on suppressing her madness, her surroundings are neglected and Instinct is dulled.

Power Burst: A
Saber's body is always suffused in the energy supplied by the Greater Grail. Her armor is also reinforced, granting more defensive ability than in her original state.

Charisma: E
The magnificent king's charm which once inspired and captivated her soldiers is gone. Since she rules by terror, leadership ability is improved but troops' morale is extremely low.

Noble Phantasms
Sword of Promised Victory -- Excalibur
Rank: A++
Type: Anti-fortress Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-99
Maximum targets: 1000 persons
Even while blackened, Artoria's greatest power Excalibur is still potent. However, the sword is tainted an ominous black. Just as the fairies of the lake (Vivienne and Morgan) manifest as both good and evil, the holy sword has its own dark side. Still, its "character" as a holy sword is greatest. The function of converting the wielder's magical energy into light through the blade does not change, but the light is transformed into the same darkness of the blade.


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Caster, p.030-031 [T]

Class: Caster
Master: Souichirou Kuzuki
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sex: Female
Height: 163cm
Weight: 51kg
Weapon: None

Noble Phantasm: C

Medea, the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis in Greece, was a priestess taught by Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft. While she was raised without any discomfort, her fate was shaken greatly by the arrival of the ship Argo that sought the Golden Fleece.
Having fallen under the goddess Aphrodite's curse to fall in love with Jason, the Argo's captain, Medea stole the Golden Fleece from her father and attempted to flee the country together with Jason. Furthermore, to stall her father's ship that had been following them, she violently tore her brother to pieces and scattered his remains in the sea. With this, Medea lost a home she could return to, and came to be despised as a "witch" by the people. After that, Medea, in order to let her beloved Jason sit on the throne, continued to murder any opposition with magic and strategy, but her practices disgusted Jason and caused him to gradually become adverse to her. Eventually, Jason switched his interests to another woman, going so far as to have children, which Medea could not forgive. She murdered his new wife and children with magecraft, the brokenhearted Jason undergoing a miserable last moment.
Thus, Medea's obsessiveness and cruelty made calling her a "witch" appropriate, but despite committing inhuman deeds, she herself received no reward from this. Theories have been left behind that Medea, who achieved an immortal body from her devotion to the study of magecraft, became the reigning queen of the paradise, Elysium.

Having mastered magecraft from the Age of the Gods, Medea possessed extraordinary power as a magus. However, because her physical ability as a Servant was the lowest, she was at a disadvantage in battles against Servants with high Magic Resistance. Consequently, she faced the battles with basic tactics, avoiding personal combat to the best of her ability and using her Dragon Tooth Warriors as pawns. Even in combination with Kuzuki, he was the attacker and she bore the role of support with magecraft. She laid out a stratagem to summon Servant Assassin (Sasaki Kojirou) and order him to guard the Ryuudou temple gate while she gathered mana and used her own Noble Phantasm to destroy the other Servants' contracts and make them her allies.

Class Abilities
Territory Creation: A
The ability to create a territory to gather mana is a special characteristic of the Caster class. Medea's inherent magical capacity is not that great but by expanding her territory to collect mana, it becomes possible for her to use high level magecraft. Moreover, because the place Medea selected to establish her territory is the underground limestone cave where the Greater Grail was instituted, Fuyuki City's greatest holy ground Ryuudou Temple, it is possible to gather an enormous amount of mana in a short time. She secured Ryuudou Temple as her main base solely to reserve enough mana to get Artoria and EMIYA to obey her after using "Rule Breaker" having summoning Servant Assassin independently. Furthermore, the influence of her created territory extends not only to Ryuudou Temple but also its surroundings. The rapid breakdown in the health of those inhabiting the periphery of the territory was because their life force was plundered for magical energy.
Because she understood the importance of the Ryuudou Temple territory the best, Sasaki Kojirou was ordered to guard the temple gate, and the interior was fortified so it could not be invaded easily. Furthermore, immediately following the beginning of the Holy Grail War, Medea almost never left the Ryuudou Temple, instead hiding on the grounds and raising mana. However, as soon as she made the judgment that she had collected enough magical energy for combat, she left the territory and turned on to the offensive.

Item Construction: A
Another skill granted to the Caster class. It is possible to construct enchanted tools, from implements of war to items for daily use. Many different articles can be made at will.
The dragon tooth warriors on the next page were made using this ability. In addition, it is also possible to make magical implements known as Mystic Codes. As Mystic Codes are used as devices to supplement thaumaturgy, or wielded as tools to activate specific effects during magical combat, this is a typical skill for a magus to possess. However, with an Item Construction rank of A, there is a great difference between the Mystic Codes that other magi build and the artifacts that Medea can create. Also, this skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items. This is why she spent most of her efforts on Territory Creation and focused on creating dragon tooth warriors. Though it requires preparation and planning, given enough time Item Construction has the potential to be a formidable asset.

Personal Skills
High-Speed Divine Words: A
A skill that assists magical incantations. Normally, the length of an incantation increases with the scale of the thaumaturgy being performed, but this skill allows chants to be greatly abbreviated. It is particularly useful for direct attack magic. There are many examples of Medea personally using direct attack magic during the Holy Grail War, but in the fight against EMIYA she instantly unleashed countless blasts of light in an attack comparable to high thaumaturgy.
Caption: As long as a caster using High-Speed Divine Words has enough prana, she can continually fire powerful thaumaturgical attacks.

Golden Fleece: EX
The pelt of the golden-furred winged ram of Colchis. It contains the legend, "if thrown on the earth, a dragon will appear." Medea does not have the skill to summon the dragon, so she is unable to to do so even if she uses the Golden Fleece. This secret treasure might well have been the heart of the events that altered Medea's fate for the worse.
The Golden Fleece appears in Greek mythology, beginning with the marriage of King Athamas of Thessaly to his second wife Ino. Ino, who despised the children Athamas had with his first wife, the cloud goddess Nephele, plotted to kill the prince Phrixus by telling the king a false oracle and sacrificing the prince in a ritual. But then, Phrixus rescued his sister Helle at the altar. Helle rode a winged ram with golden fleece to safety, brought to her by Hermes, one of the Twelve Olympians. With the help of his sister, Phrixus went to Colchis, sacrificed the meat of the golden ram to Zeus, and offered its pelt to King Aeetes of Colchis. From then on, the Golden Fleece was passed down as a secret treasure of the royal house of Colchis.

Medea used many different types of magic during the Holy Grail War. Against nearby humans, she employed mind control, hypnosis, and other spells to gather intelligence and eliminate threats. She also used magic to lure Emiya Shirou into her own workshop.
In combat, she supported her Master Kuzuki Souichirou, who wielded the assassination technique "Snake." Souichirou, who seemed powerful enough to overwhelm a Servant, was actually being magically Reinforced to give him enough destructive power to damage a Servant.
Additionally, Medea used spatial teleportation whenever she was attacked. This spell was highly versatile.

Magecraft Tool
Dragon Tooth Warriors
Magic that uses dragon teeth as foci to create golems. This is one of the magics Medea specialized in, passed down to the king of Colchis long ago. The combat strength of one dragon tooth soldier is no match for a Servant, and even a human Master can deal with one. However, they are dangerous in large numbers. Medea used these golems to buy time to advance her plans. The dragon tooth soldiers are not necessarily homogeneous in appearance, showing variations in the weapons they wield.

Noble Phantasm
Rule Breaker:
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Thaumaturgy Noble Phantasm
Range: 1 person

A Noble Phantasm with an ability clearly unlike that of the other Servants' Noble Phantasms. Its efficiency as a weapon is virtually nil, but it has the ability to "break" (as in, "violation of commandment" or "transgression of law") any magic on a target pierced by its blade. Targets that can be broken are contracts formed from prana, and life forms born from prana. Rule Breaker can reset the condition of the target to the state before magic was used on it. In other words, contracts formed from prana are wiped clean, and life forms created from prana are forcibly sublimated. Thus, its utility is quite limited, but it is extremely powerful within the context of the Servant system of the Holy Grail War.
In practice, Medea successfully used this Noble Phantasm to nullify the contracts between other Masters and their Servants. For a time, Artoria and EMIYA served Medea as her own Servants.


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Gilgamesh, p.024-025 [T]

Trường phái: Archer
Master: Kotomine Kirei
Thiên tính: Nổi loạn (Chaotic Good)
Giới tính: Nam
Chiều cao: 182cm
Cân nặng: 68kg
Trang bị: Bộ giáp

Sức mạnh: B
Sức bền: C
Nhanh nhẹn: C
Ma lực: B
May mắn: A
Bảo khí: EX

Truyền thuyết
The great king depicted in mankind’s oldest epic – “The Epic of Gilgamesh”. He was an actual king who ruled Uruk, the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia during the Sumer Dynasty 5000 years ago.
A despot who possesses high divinity with 2/3 being God and 1/3 being human, and believed he was invincible. However, answering the call of people who were oppressed by Gilgamesh’s tyrannical policies, Enkidu, a man created by the goddess Aruru, was released to fight against Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh and Enkidu met and battled as enemies, but soon they began to recognise each other and rule the nation together. Gilgamesh gradually began to change after finding a friend who he considered to be an equal, and Uruk became unprecedentedly prosperous. Gilgamesh, as the greatest king, eventually acquired all the treasure on the earth.
The goddess Ishtar wooed Gilgamesh, but was rejected bluntly. As a result, Ishtar unleashed the Bull of Heaven in a fit of rage, wrecking havoc on earth. After her failure, Ishtar complained before the Gods and caused the weakening and eventual death of Enkidu, who could not resist the will of the Gods that created him. The death of Enkidu significantly impacted Gilgamesh, and as a result he set out for the underworld in order to acquire the potion of immortality. However, the potion was drunk by a snake, and Gilgamesh died in despair.

Chiến thuật
Gilgamesh battles by shooting the originals of all Noble Phantasms like bullets via Gate of Babylon. The tactic yields excellent destructive power to magic energy efficiency. Since every Noble Phantasm is a bullet, the real magical energy used is merely the activation cost of Gate of Babylon. Because he possesses the originals of all Noble Phantasms, he can assault the weakness of any Servants. As a result, Gilgamesh has the advantage over most of the Servants in combat.
Because he has absolute self-confidence, he is able to calmly show himself before his opponents. However, depending on mood, he is also fine with scoring kills by raining Noble Phantasms behind the enemies’ back. The will of the king cannot be simply gauged by the concept of tactic.

Kỹ năng trường phái

Kháng Ma Lực: E
Magic resistance gained through the class ability of Archer. However, since Gilgamesh did not have any abilities that can resist magecraft, it remains at the minimum level of E. Its effect is merely light damage mitigation against sorcery rather than full neutralisation. The cause of his low Magic Resistance is probably related to his Master, Kotomine Kirei’s lack of magical energy. In reality, during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh’s Magic Resistance was elevated to C with Tohsaka Tokiomi as his Master.
Although his Magic Resistance is low, Gilgamesh is able to neutralise most sorceries due to having many items that defend against sorcery, such as the golden armour. The defensive powers of these items are quite high, as Rin’s sorcery was completely repelled.
If magi attempt to use large-scale sorceries and act as “mongrels” that impede the king, Gilgamesh will simply unleash a raging wave of Noble Phantasms and completely crush them without giving them the time to cast spells. (Translator’s Note: Gate of Babylon and Sword Spam are now officially categorised as a form of Magic Resistance.)

Hành Động Độc Lập: A+
With an Independent Action rank that sets him completely apart from the rest, Gilgamesh is able to operate without a Master. With a rank of A+ that exceeds even A, the support of a Master is unnecessary even while unleashing a large amount of magical power. It is an ability that bends the rules and allows for the continued materialisation of Servants even after the conclusion of the Holy Grail War. After being summoned as Archer during the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh remained materialised for 10 years until the Fifth.
Since the Fourth Holy Grail War, the ability to freely operate without regard for the Master remained unchanged. However, the ability to remain materialised after the Holy Grail War was not gained until he was showered by the content of the Holy Grail. At the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh was absorbed for a while after being showered by the black mud spilled from the broken vessel of the Holy Grail. However, Gilgamesh could not even be digested by the mud that was filled with “All the World’s Evil – Angra Mainyu”. On the contrary, he was given a flesh body and regurgitated back into the present world. As a result, Gilgamesh was completely incarnated and continued to survive as an existence with a physical body. Also worth mentioning is that, thanks to the changed shape and personality granted by the potion of youth, the super egotistical Gilgamesh was able to live in the human society for 10 years without much trouble.

Kỹ năng sở hữu

Quy Luật Vàng: A
Being fated a life that is filled with riches. Gilgamesh lives the life of a nabob and has no money troubles. In the legend, he claimed all the world’s treasure as his own. The originals of Noble Phantasms preserved in his treasury were collected during this period. Although this ability seems unrelated to battle, it plays a great role in arming Gilgamesh.
Upon seeing Gilgamesh’s golden figure, Rin half-jealously called him “Gin-Pika” (Gold-glitter).

Uy tín Lãnh đạo: A+
Often praised as the greatest king, Gilgamesh’s ability to command and lead great armies is excellent. Charisma is a rare talent, and a B rank is sufficient to lead a nation, but Gilgamesh has a rank of A+. At this level, it is not a matter of popularity or skill, but closer to something like sorcery or curse. An army led by Gilgamesh will have a tremendous increase in abilities.
An egotistical Gilgamesh radiating with self-confidence will sure boost the morale of his army to an extremely high level.

Thần Tính: B (A+)
Due to being 2/3 God, Gilgamesh possesses the highest level of divinity among the many Heroic Spirits. His level exceeds even Herakles, who is the son of Zeus and ascended to the Pantheon after death. However, Gilgamesh despises the Gods because they killed his friend Enkidu, unleashed the Bull of Heaven onto the earth, and caused him much trouble. As a result, his Divinity decreased.
He is the half-man-half-God King of Heroes born from the union of King of Uruk, Lugalbanda, and goddess Rimat-Ninsun. (Translator’s Note: Wait what? Half and half?)

Bảo Khí

Tinh Tú Khai Tịch Phân Rẽ Đất Trời – Enuma Elish
Xếp Hạng: EX
Loại: Diệt Thế
Phạm Vi: 1~99
Mục Tiêu Tối Đa: 1000 người

The sword that cuts and divides the World, with output matching or even exceeds Artoria’s Excalibur. Its power will further increase given the support of Noble Phantasms within Gate of Babylon. More correctly speaking, “Sword of Rupture – Ea” is the Noble Phantasm, “Enuma Elish” is the state under which Sword of Rupture – Ea unleashes its maximum output. By generating wind pressure strata, the attack crushes the enemies by simulating spatial rends. In addition, the names “Sword of Rupture – Ea” and “Enuma Elish” are all given by Gilgamesh. They are thought to be references to the Great God Ea (Enki) of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian myths, and the Genesis Epic of the Babylonian myth, Enuma Elish.
The most powerful sword that cannot be duplicated by Unlimited Blade Work. Gilgamesh calls it “something that knows the hellish planet before genesis”.
The three cylindrical blades spin in different directions, generating air pressure strata. Its power will not be neutralised even when colliding with Excalibur.

Gate of Babylon
Xếp Hạng: E~A++
Loại: Kháng Nhân
Phạm Vi: -

A key-like sword that connects to the “Golden Capital”. The spatial connection with the treasury allows for easy access to the items within. The rank changes to E~A++ because Gilgamesh put all the originals of Noble Phantasms into the treasury. In other words, E~A++ reflects the rank of the items in the treasury. If the treasury does not contain a wealth of valuables, then it will not be a useful Noble Phantasm.
The favourite Noble Phantasm within the Gate of Babylon is the chain which has captured the Bull of Heaven – Enkidu. It is an anti-deity Noble Phantasm that increases in strength as the target’s Divinity increases. It was able to completely seal Herakles.


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Lancer, p.022-023 [T]

Cu Chulainn
Class: Lancer
Master: Kirei Kotomine
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Sex: Male
Height: 185cm
Weight: 70kg
Weapon: Armour, Spear

Noble Phantasm: B

Once Ireland was called Erin, which means "green" in Gaelic. In this land named after its abundant greenery, there was a boy with great talent. His name was Sétanta. It is said that his father was the sun god Lugh and his mother was royalty. One day, he accidentally killed the guard dog protecting the house of master blacksmith Culann. Sétanta alone strangled to death "Culann's savage dog" that was well-known to have the strength of ten men. In order to compensate for this deed, for a while he himself would carry out the duties of a guard dog. Consequently, all began to call the boy "Culann's savage dog" i.e. Cú Chulainn.

In time, the grown Cú Chulainn was accepted as a member of the famous Akaeda Knights. His actions after that rendered him unmatched. He went to the "Land of Shadows" to fulfill his own love; there with incredible magic and unrivaled demonic spearmanship, he acquired Gáe Bolg. Cú Chulainn had become invincible but the sun still set. At a young age, a close Druid's prophecy said "in exchange for glorious deeds of valor, his life would be short" and accepting such a fate, he smiled and laughed.

In his final battle Cú Chulainn battled furiously and died pierced by his own magical spear. A crow landed on the shoulder of his standing corpse in his death. It is said that it was the incarnation of the witch Morrigan who continued to give him her unrequited love.

Naturally by his own beliefs, he prefers to fight with his full power as a warrior. However, due to the Command Spell of his Master Kotomine "Fight with everyone, then withdraw," he was commanded to involuntarily perform reconnaissance missions. Even in the middle of his first battle with EMIYA, he showed decisive action by leaving the battle to kill Emiya Shirou whom he recognized to have witnessed it. The withdrawal was also very skilled, giving the appearance of realizing that the situation was unfavorable. Contrary to his legendary battle prowess, Cú Chulainn's fighting in the Fifth Holy Grail War was extremely limited.

Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: C
Cú Chulainn holds a Magic Resistance of Rank C. Aria of two verses and below are cancelled, but beyond that High Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals cannot even be defended against. That said, confronting a Servant of his superior speed (Agility A), finding the opportunity to use large-scale magecraft is next to impossible. Also, considerable skill is required to successfully "hit" him with the invoked magecraft. Judging from these factors, in situations of close combat, Cú Chulainn may have a "necessary and sufficient" rank of Magic Resistance.

In addition, as depicted in legend, he himself learned magecraft (18 Original Runes) in the "Land of Shadows", taking pride in having the skill and knowledge to qualify for Caster class. Even in a scene of the story, he sees through the presence of Medusa's Blood Fort Andromeda at a glance, considers the situation, and makes the decision not to destroy it. Cú Chulainn is not just a reckless warrior.

Personal Abilities
Battle Continuation: A
Legend tells that the dying Cú Chulainn tied himself to a tree before taking his last breath. For he who possesses such a legend, the dying struggle is particularly fierce. Even in a hopeless battle, Cú Chulainn was still able to demonstrate astonishing tenacity, delaying Gilgamesh for half a day.
Against Emiya who dextrously fended off his spear thrusts, Cú Chulainn countered with an unyielding fighting spirit.

Disengage: C
The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat. Having been commanded to go on reconnaissance missions by his Master Kotomine, it can be said that this ability was fully demonstrated. From the start, Cú Chulainn excelled in seeing through battle situations, and had the responsibility to wage war and withdraw repeatedly from all the Servants.

Runes: B
Cú Chulainn obtained 18 Runes from his studies with Scáthach (Norse Runes), appropriately using them to respond in different situations. It is said that among these runes, one with the purpose of searching existed. It was the ability that supported his elusive actions during the Holy Grail War.

Protection from Arrows: B
Ability to deal with projectiles. This is a power Cu Chulainn was born with. It's said that it's possible for him to avoid any long range attack if he has made visual confirmation of his opponent. He can deal with most projectiles even in conditions where the opponent cannot be visually seen. Even if the battle with Hasan Sabbaha, he cancelled the throwing swords hurled from the darkness. As long as the attack is a thrown type, he can avoid even Noble Phantasms, but he can't gain the effects of this protection with respect to wide range attack types where the attack range of the weapon explodes on impact, or a direct attack by a weapon that has simply long reach.

Divinity: B
The circumstances behind Cú Chulainn's great divinity is his father's existence. His father was Lugh, the god who governed over the sun, a member of the Danann divine family in Celtic Mythology. As a demigod whose father was an almighty god who possessed every skill such as knowledge, techniques and magic, and whose mother was Deichtine, younger sister of King Conchobar, he exhibited superior talent from birth. Boasting supernatural ability that separated him from ordinary people from a young age, in his training in the Land of Shadows, he received the original runes and terrible magic spear Gaé Bolg from Scáthach. Truly, he was a man predestined to become a hero. In Ireland, poetry and statues praising Cú Chulainn still remain to this day.

Noble Phantasm
Gáe Bolg: Spear of Piercing Barbed Death
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 2~4
Maximum targets: 1

While this is a technique employing Gáe Bolg as a melee attack, it is originally a magic spear for throwing. With a technique that reverses the meaning of "cause and effect" in the order of things, the "result" that "the heart of the opponent has been pierced" is created earlier than the moment it is thrust. Accordingly, the "cause" that "the lance has pierced through the heart" is generated from it later. Without a great deal of luck (like Artoria), it can be said that this is a technique that determines "if it is released, the opponent is dead." However, against Servants like Heracles who can move even when their heart is destroyed, there is a small disadvantage. Compared to the Spear of Striking Death Flight, both the range of effectiveness and the destructive power are weakened. However, it is worth mentioning that "the magical energy cost is low." For having such a strong effect as "almost certainly will destroy the enemy's heart," without the need of a terrible amount of magical power, it becomes an excellent Noble Phantasm of extraordinary usability.

Gae Bolg: Striking Death Flight
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 5~40
Maximum Targets: 50 People

The largest and most powerful attack delivered using Gae Bolg. The “attack that unleashes countless darts at the enemy” which legends speak of is Gae Bolg – Striking Death Flight. After accelerating through an approach run, Cú Chulainn takes to the skies and activates Striking Death Flight by hurling it towards the ground with all his might.
Different from Gae Bolg – Piercing Death Thorn, Striking Death Flight does not carry the property or concept of “always pierces the opponent’s heart”, but compared to Piercing Death Thorn, both power and area of effect are increased (intense consumption of Magic Energy). It is a technique that attacks the enemies together with the surrounding area, in a carpet bombing fashion. Even resilient bulwark or agile body are not immune to the power of Striking Death Flight; Gae Bolg will send the enemy horde flying. In legend, the demonic spear is said to split into 30 and pour down over the enemy, but it seems the number has increased after Cú Chulainn became a Heroic Spirit. During the battle with Emiya, Emiya spoke of Striking Death Flight “exceeding the original, Gungnir – Declaration of the Great God”.


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Rider, p.028-029 [T]

Class: Rider
Master: Matou Sakura
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sex: Female
Height: 172cm
Weight: 57kg
Armament: Dagger

Noble Phantasm: A+

Medusa was a frightening female monster in Greek mythology. She had a nest of poisonous snakes for hair, copper green scales for skin, golden wings on her back, and eyes that would turn anyone that met them to stone.
The story in which the hero Perseus slew Medusa is famous even in Japan. It's said that Perseus' divine blade Harpe sheared through Medusa's scaley skin, and Medusa's head contained the power of petrification even after being severed.
Medusa was originally a goddess, but a curse by the goddess Athena lowered her to a monster. The story goes that Medusa, overly proud of her own beauty, desecrated a temple to Athena.
According to the Theogony describing the genealogy of the Greek gods, Medusa had a pair of twin older sisters named Stheno and Euryale. Together they were known as the three Gorgon (derived from ancient Greek gorgós, meaning "dreadful") sisters.
It is written that the aboriginal Pelasgians worshiped Medusa when she was still a goddess. After the Pelasgians were conquered by other groups, Medusa was demonized from a great earth goddess into a monster.
After becoming a Heroic Spirit, she retains her wholesome beauty even while possessing the Mystic Eyes of Petrification. Her flying steed Pegasus was said to have been born from a piece of her severed head, or created by her blood when it dripped into the ocean.

Medusa specializes in close combat, taking advantage of her high Agility and Monstrous Strength. Her weapons of choice are chained daggers. While quite lethal, they are not Noble Phantasms, so it is difficult to deal critical blows with them when fighting Servants. Medusa excels in a fight using Noble Phantasms. She can annihilate many enemies at once using her anti-army Noble Phantasm Bellerophon (Bridle of Chivalry), which requires an enormous amount of prana. Additionally, she has several methods of attack that can be adapted to a wide variety of situations, such as Blood Fort Andromeda (Outsider Seal - Blood Temple) which can close off a targeted area and dissolve the humans inside to obtain prana, and Cybele (Mystic Eyes of Petrification) which is normally sealed beneath her blindfold.

Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: B
Originally a Greek goddess that turned into a monster, she possesses extremely high Magic Resistance. The Magic Resistance ability that the Rider class possesses is weaker than that of the three knight classes, but the fact that it remains so high is thanks to Medusa's inherently high Magic Resistance.
Rank B Magic Resistance easily nullifies spells of three bars or less. It is also difficult to damage Medusa with even high thaumaturgy and grand rituals. Moreover, Medusa herself is skilled in sorcery, so she has countless ways to counter enemy spells. In other words, Medusa is excellent at fighting magi. Backing all that up is her Agility. Compared to Lancer who boasts the same level of "speed" she is inferior in sudden bursts, but has more endurance. Even with powerful spells, it is extremely hard to hit Medusa who will keep moving at high speed.

Riding: A+
As might be expected of the Servant Rider, Medusa posses a high rank in the Riding ability. But instead of covering only specific animals and vehicles, her ability extends to nearly all beasts, including Phantasmal Beasts and Divine Beasts. However, even with an excellent Riding rank, she cannot ride dragons.
The steed that makes best use of Medusa's Riding ability is the legendary winged horse Pegasus. Mastering a winged horse of the Phantasmal Species is a difficult accomplishment even for Rider-class Servants. When riding the heavenly mount that was born of her own blood, both rider and steed move as one.
When the Noble Phantasm Bellerophon is used, all of Pegasus's abilities are drastically increased for a limited time. Even in the story, this combination was able to toy with Saber by attacking from the skies, forcing her into a difficult battle.
Be that as it may, the only time Medusa was able to use Bellerophon was in her fight against Artoria. During the modern Holy Grail War which unfolded in a sprawling city, Medusa had few opportunities to use her Riding ability. Perhaps because of this, she was eliminated without sufficient chance to use her power.

Personal Skills
Mystic Eyes: A+
Eyes that originally function to collect visual information are instead a method to impart magical effects upon a subject. Medusa possesses the Mystic Eyes of Petrification "Cybele", which are Mystic Eyes of the highest order. As in her legend, subjects caught in her vision will be petrified if their Magic Resistance is C or lower.
Caption: Medusa's Mystic Eyes of Petrification cannot be replicated by magic.

Independent Action: C
The ability to materialize independently. If the Master is lost (or if the contract is nullified), Medusa can continue to materialize for one day. Since Medusa can also obtain prana by drinking blood, she can prey on humans as the situation demands and extend this duration.
Caption: Thanks to Independent Action, Medusa was able to return to Sakura after Matou Shinji was defeated.

Monstrous Strength: B
Medusa has this skill due to her property as a monster despite being a Heroic Spirit. If used, she can temporarily magnify her Strength. This is a necessary skill to Medusa, who does not fight with Noble Phantasms in close combat. It has many uses with her chained daggers, such as forcibly dragging an impaled opponent around.
Caption: Medusa possesses high close combat ability thanks to Monstrous Strength.

Divinity: E-
In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful goddess, so she originally has very high Divinity. However, because she later became a monster, she is an unusual being possessing the "monstrous" attribute that is antithetical to normal Heroic Spirits. Thanks to this, Medusa manifests as both a goddess with Riding, and a monster possessing Mystic Eyes, Monstrous Strength and so forth. Nonetheless, her aptitude as a goddess Divine Spirit is mostly degraded.
However, her Divinity has not been completely eliminated, and it appears that she still has it.

Noble Phantasms
Breaker Gorgon
Rank: C-
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 0
Maximum Targets: 1 Person

One of Medusa's anti-personnel Noble Phantasms, Breaker Gorgon is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Blood Fort Andromeda. While the target's consciousness is sealed within Medusa's mind, the target can be prevented from activating any abilities. Also, Medusa primarily uses somewhat weak Noble Phantasm not on others, but on herself to seal her Mystic Eyes of Petrification that are normally always active.
Though mainly used to seal Mystic Eyes, its original use is obviously to exert a degree of mind control on the opponent. Actually, when she took control of enemy Master Emiya Shirou's mind and gave him erotic dreams, she was actually trying to extract prana from him. Also, it requires only a steady stream of prana to have an effect. It is difficult for individuals with low magic resistance to notice it, much less avoid it.

Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 2~50
Maximum Targets: 300 People

Medusa's most powerful attack. It is not a Noble Phantasm to be used in a one-on-one fight, but rather an "anti-army Noble Phantasm" that can cut down enemies in a wide area. An uncommon type of Noble Phantasm consisting of a paired bridle and whip, it can rapidly augment the abilities of Phantasmal Species. In battle, the strengthened Phantasmal Beast and Medusa fight as one.
Bellerophon is extraordinarily powerful whether used defensively or offensively. However, during the Holy Grail War, it could not display its merit when matched against the more powerful Noble Phantasm wielded by Artoria. Nonetheless, the fact alone that it temporarily withstood a full frontal attack by Excalibur is evidence of its great power.

Blood Fort Andromeda
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 10~40
Maximum Targets: 500 People

One of Medusa's Noble Phantasms, Blood Fort Andromeda is the counterpart Bounded Field thaumaturgy to Breaker Gorgon. It takes the form of magic circles placed as predetermined points. Immediately following the placing of these circles, people within the affected area will only have their life force sapped slightly, but once the field is activated, they will be quickly dissolved. However, it is difficult to affect people with knowledge of thaumaturgy. Thus, it is not a Noble Phantasm to be used for combat, but rather a Bounded Field created by Medusa to efficiently gather blood to drink for prana.
In the Holy Grail War, Blood Fort Andromeda was deployed at Homurahara Academy and activated. From outside the field, the school appeared normal as usual, but the interior was stained with blood, as its name suggests.


[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: Saber, p.020-021 [T]

Class: Saber
Master: Emiya Shirou
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Female
Height: 154cm
Weight: 42kg
Armament: Armour, Sword

Noble Phantasm: C

Once up on a time, there was a king in England named Arthur Pendragon. He was the legendary king who staunchly defended the land from the invading Saxons for a long period of time.
The name Arthur, written in the fashion of Romans is “Artorius”. Its feminine form is “Artoria”, which is the true name of Saber.
Artoria was born between Uther Pendragon and a Queen hailed from the rival kingdom. She grew up under the guidance of the True Magician Merlin, and became the king after pulling out the Sword of Selection. Later, she led Lacenlot, Gawain, and other famed knights to achieve innumerable deeds. They engaged the King of Saxons at the Battle of Badon Hill and brought peace to the land of Britain. Because the Scabbard of the Holy Sword stopped her from aging, Artoria continued to reign as the ideal king. It was ironic that Queen Guinevere and the serving knights grew more distant from Artoria precisely because she was too ideal. In the civil war that raged at the end of her reign, she crossed blade with her very own son, Mordred. At that instant, she pledged her service as a Heroic Spirit after death in exchange for striking a pact with the World. The one wish she hoped the Holy Grail could realise was “redo the selection of the king”. In legend, the body of King Arthur was transported to the Fairyland – Avalon, where he is healing his wounds in serenity.

Saber’s ability is maximally unleashed while engaging in an honourable face-to-face single combat. It is a method of battle that is full of chivalric honour, and it is also one that suits Saber's sense of aesthetics. However, this does not mean she dislikes strategising. Because she is also a capable military commander, she tends to loath fabricated strategies that have no concrete basis. She fine-tunes her strategy meticulously. While on the battlefield, she further adapts her actions in response to the ever-changing dynamics of combat. Naturally, Saber despises cowardly actions, strategies or not. For this reason, in the Fourth Holy Grail War, her compatibility with the cool-headed, achieving-his-goal-at-all-cost Master Emiya Kiritsugu was the worst.

Class Abilities
Magic Resistance: A
Artoria boasts the highest rank of resistance to magic amongst the Servants. She is capable of completely neutralising grand sorceries involving magic arrays and instant contracts. Even modern magi of the highest level cannot wound her directly with sorcery. Artoria is able to resist an action force onto her powered by one stroke of the Command Spell. Such is the extraordinary rank of Artoria’s Magic Resistance, sufficient to shake the very foundation of the Servant System. If the opponent is someone who attacks with sorcery, Artoria will charge without fear and determine the outcome of the battle with a slash.
Also, as her “Pendragon” name shows, Artoria is the holder of the Element of the Red Dragon, charged with the task of protecting the kingdom. She carries the very magical power of the Dragon. This humongous magical power is also the source of Artoria’s Magic Resistance. Due to the characteristics of Dragon, Artoria has much trouble with existences such as Siegfried, who is associated with tales of “Dragon extermination”. If she is targeted by “Dragon-slaying Sorceries”, it is possible that Magic Resistance will not function to its fullest extent.
In the story, Artoria retained her Magic Resistance of A while having Emiya Shirou and Rin as Masters, regardless the two’s differences in power and characteristics. On the other hand, while having Matou Sakura as her Master, her Magic Resistance decreased to B as a result of Blackening.

Riding: B
Since “knights” are soldiers who are proficient in mounted warfare, Saber’s rank in Riding is very high. Chariots can be ridden the same way. Motorcycles and automobiles are treated as “modern mounts”, thus a high rank in Riding is also applicable. It is unclear if Riding is applicable to aircrafts. Saber’s Riding was elevated to A while having Emiya Kiritsugu as Master. However, Artoria can ultimately only control normal mounts. She cannot control Pegasi, Griffons, Dragons, and other Magical Beast, Divine Beast Ranked Phantasmal Species. This is due to her Class not being Rider, as well as the fact that she was a King in the Age of Man, thus did not have the fortune of having “Legends of Riding Phantasmal Species”.
Artoria rode a motorcycle in the Fourth Holy Grail War, but did not have the opportunity to demonstrate her Riding ability in the Fifth Holy Grail War. Provided with the appropriate mount, the battles might have developed differently.

Personal Skills
Instinct: A
Instinct is the ability to instantly identify “the best personal course of action” during combat. Because this skill allows for the prediction of trajectory, it is possible to avoid attacks from firearms. At rank A, it is essentially in the realm of predicting the future. Through this ability, it is possible to negate the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference to a certain extend.
Being able to discern Cú Chulainn’s ultimate technique certainly reflects her skills, but having exceptional Instinct also helped her immensely.

Mana Burst: A
The ability to reinforce one’s weapon and body through the infusion of magical energy. By reinforcing the ability of the body to a great extend using magical energy, the physically fragile Artoria was able to fight head on with monsters such as Berserker. At rank A, even a stick can become a weapon of great power.
Executing large-scale body reinforcement through Mana Burst is only possible with Artoria’s immense magical power.
(Translator's Note: This is basically analogous to Strengthening/Reinforcement Sorcery.)

Charisma: B
Artoria possessed high Charisma, and reigned as the king of England. The morale of military forces she commands is extremely high. However, this strong influence is still insufficient to build a vast empire spanning the world, so it remains at rank B (enough to rule a country).
Caption: Artoria, the protector of the British Isles. Even with her Charisma, she could not avert the fall of her kingdom.

Noble Phantasms
Invisible Air
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1~2
Maximum Targets: 1 Object

A barrier that renders the blade hidden by entangling it with layers of wind, and altering the light refraction rate. It is closer to a sorcery than a Noble Phantasm. By using this barrier, Artoria can attack without the opponent recognising the sword’s reach and trajectory. Since concealing one’s Noble Phantasm also conceals one’s true identity, Invisible Air was highly effective at the early stages of the Holy Grail War. It also has other advantages such as increasing attack power and accuracy. Entangling the sword with wind and using the wind as the blade enhances the attack power, while having an “invisible weapon” provides an advantage in accuracy. (Translator’s Note: It is probably more “decreasing opponent's evasion” in RPG terms.) Since the advantage of Invisible Air lies in “invisibility”, the accuracy increase will not occur while engaging opponents who possess Eye of the Mind or do not depend on vision.
In the Fourth Holy Grail War, Artoria unleashed the condensed air and used it as a long-range weapon that mauls down groups of enemies --- “The Iron Mallet of the Wind King”.

Rank: A++
Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 1~99
Maximum Targets: 1000 Persons

The greatest and most powerful Noble Phantasm of Artoria (Translator’s Note: Not Avalon?). It is the strongest and most majestic holy sword that symbolises King Arthur. The pinnacle of holy swords. Excalibur was not forged by mankind, but crystallised within the Earth, using the wishes of mankind as the basis. It is one of the ultimate God-forged weapons, a Last Phantasm. Originally cared for by the Faeries of the Planet, it was passed into the hands of King Arthur through the Lady of the Lake.
Excalibur converts the mana of the wielder into light, and as the sword is swung, the light is released from the tip of the blade like a laser beam and destroys everything in its path. Of course, the mana consumption is extreme, thus it cannot be fired consecutively. In the Fourth Holy Grail War, the beastly giant sea monster summoned by Caster was completely incinerated by this Noble Phantasm. Excalibur is classified as an ‘Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm” due to its magnitude and destructive power.

Rank: EX
Type: Bound Field
Maximum Targets: 1 Person
The sheath of Excalibur, a Noble Phantasm with its origin in the Fairyland Avalon where King Arthur rests. The wielder will heal from any wound, and the aging process will cease. Unleashing the true name of Avalon will deploy a Bound Field that provides the greatest defence. A Noble Phantasm that annuls the interference of True Magic; its existence is equivalent to True Magic.
In legend, losing this sheath casted an ominous shadow onto the life of King Arthur, eventually cascading to the collapse of the kingdom. In modern times, the Einzberns excavated Avalon at Cornwall and passed it into the hands of Emiya Kiritsugu. Afterward, it was planted into the body of Emiya Shirou to save his life, eventually becoming the link that led to his bond with Artoria. In Fate Route, Artoria learned that Shirou was her “sheath”, which led the duo to emerge victorious in the Holy Grail War.

対魔力: A
また、アーサー王の父ウーサーは、マーリンの計らいで竜の因子を持った後継者を造り、アルトリアは人であり ながら竜そのものの魔力を帯びるに至った。

Assassin Thật[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - The Servants of the Fifth Holy Grail War: True Assassin, p.032-033 [T]

Hassan-i Sabbah
Class: Assassin
Master: Matou Zouken
Alignment: Lawfully Evil
Sex: Male
Height: 215cm
Weight: 62kg
Armament: dirk

Noble Phantasm: C

The legend of the "Old Man of the Mountain" appeared even in The Travels of Marco Polo. He was the head of an order of assassins who sought out promising young candidates and recruited them with promises of food, drink, and women, in exchange for assassinating important figures.
This legend had its origins in the 11th century. It originated with Nizari subbranch of Ismāʿīlism, a branch of Shia Islam. They were known as a radical sect. The progenitor of the Nizari was Hassan-i Sabbāh himself. Hassan, who had deep connections to the fallen Fatimid Caliphate, opposed the great Seljuq dynasty, repeatedly assaulting it with war and assassination. The tales of the "assassin order" in later centuries were based on this historical truth.
In the world of Fate/stay night, the name Hassan-i Sabbāh was a title among the Nizari people, whose heir would remove his or her nose and skin to become a faceless person. It is believed that the origin of the term "assassin" is either Hassan's name, or the hashish that he used as a brainwashing drug. Hassan's summoning catalyst is the Assassin class itself. For this reason, a properly summoned Assassin will always manifest as Hassan-i Sabbāh.

Hassan appears only a few times in the story. Normally, he moves stealthily, collecting intelligence per the orders of his Master, Matou Zouken. Hassan only shows himself when it is time to kill an enemy.
Hassan himself not a strong Servant. He displays his combat strength through surprise attacks, and is ill-suited to frontal assaults. Thus, Hassan waits for opportunities to arise with an invariable/absolute/certain chance of killing the target. There is no need for him to pursue the superhuman Servants. Instead, he waits for the perfect chance to get close to a Master, whom he can easily defeat...

Class Abilities
Presence Concealment: A+
The greatest weapon of the Assassin class is Presence Containment. When this power is activated, it is possible to completely cut off one's presence. When Hassan is so concealed, it is impossible even for a Servant to sense his presence. One would not be able to tell if Hassan was approaching, if he had already left the area, or if he had even been there in the first place... Thus, Hassan is able to gather intelligence with impunity. Security systems of any kind are meaningless before him.
Also, Hassan-i Sabbāh is a being created from the nineteen people that inherited the name. When Assassin is summoned, one of those nineteen individuals will appear. Naturally, Assassin's abilities and Noble Phantasms change depending on which Hassan is summoned. However, the excellent Presence Containment skill is a class ability, so it is shared by all Assassins. As described above, each Hassan has removed his or her nose and skin to create a faceless appearance, which carries the significance of being "nobody." It is hypothesized that the anonymity of being "nobody," the elimination of the self, also influences Presence Containment's ability to "hide oneself." Incidentally, the nineteen Hassans each have unique personalities, so the reader should take care to remember that they are not emotionless fighting machines.
Each of the "Hassans" are not quite Heroic Spirits, but rather mere wraiths (Heroic Spirits are heroes that have left their names in history, and assassins have no names). In comparison to the other Servants, Assassin's combat ability is lacking. However, the discussion changes if Assassin uses Presence Containment to obtain a perfect killing opportunity. Even if the first blow fails to defeat the enemy, Assassin can conceal himself again with Presence Containment, and vigilantly await another opportunity. As a matter of fact, even the formidable Cu Chulainn was easily defeated when he faced Hassan.
Nonetheless, there are weaknesses. In the moment that the user launches an attack, the rank of Presence Containment dramatically decreases. A normal person would fail to notice the killing intent and be sent to the world beyond. However, Hassan's opponents are Servants. For example, with Artoria's Instinct, it is possible to sense the presence of a trap and respond to it. Strategic planning on the Master's part is essential to make the best use of this crafty Servant.

Personal Skills
Projectile (Daggers): B
Hassan's main mode of attack is to throw dirks, a type of dagger that originated in Scotland. His daggers have the same destructive power as firearms when thrown, spelling certain death for a human target. Interestingly, Hassan will never fail to recover all of his thrown daggers after battle, perhaps out of a possessive quirk of personality, or an aesthetic desire to only use his favorite weapons.
Caption: Hassan silently closes in on Kotomine Kirei. Hassan threw his daggers, but Kotomine fended them off.

Protection from Wind: A
In the Middle East, there are legends that typhoons are caused by evil wind gods called djinni (alternately "jinn," "jinnaye"). Divine Protection from Wind is a chant that offers prayers to God, that oneself might receive a charm of protection against the calamity of such evil spirits. To call it a "charm" smacks of superstition, but the strength of its warding is tremendous. Hassan used this skill to resist Artoria's powerful "Bounded Field of the Wind King -- Invisible Air."
Caption: Hassan uses Divine Protection from Wind. A hidden, sacred charm is woven, and his body is imbued with its divine protection.

Self-Modification: C
As its title suggests, this is the ability to alter oneself by connecting one's own flesh to another body. One can increase the length of one's legs, for example, resulting in a form far removed from that of a proper Heroic Spirit. Hassan, whose abilities are below that of the other Servants, uses Self-Modification to enhance his physical performance and make up for his deficits. In the story, he seized Cu Chulainn's heart and introduced it to his own body.
Caption: Hassan, deformed via Self-Modification. His right arm is changing into the arm of the devil Shaytan.

Noble Phantasms
Zabaniya:Delusional Heartbeat
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 3~9
Maximum Targets: 1 Person

The assassination technique, "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya," that uses Hassan's cursed arm. Hassan connects his arm to the arm of the devil Shaytan (Satan in Christian cosmology). This ability specializes in cursing people to death.
A mirror image is taken of the target to be killed, and from this mirror an ether clump is used to create an exact double existence. This double existence has a property of resonance with the original, so that if the double existence is harmed, the original will suffer the same damage. This can be considered sympathetic magic, albeit of an extremely high level. With this technique, an imitation heart belonging to the target is crushed, and the target dies without any outward sign of injury as its heart alone is pulverized. All armor is meaningless against Delusional Heartbeat's attack. No matter how mighty the foe, they cannot withstand this Noble Phantasm which directly assaults the inner organs. It is indeed a terrifying Noble Phantasm worthy of an assassin.

Defending against Zabaniya

Delusional Heartbeat is a Noble Phantasm of absolute death. However, as with other Noble Phantasms, it is neither invincible nor perfect.
The ability's effective range is limited, so if one retreats past this distance and uses long-range attacks, Assassin is helpless. Also, Delusional Heartbeat is a curse, so it may be ineffective against Servants with high Magic Resistance, while targets with high Luck may be able to evade it. Additionally, there is the critical fact that the heart organ is not the vital point of a Servant. There also exist exceptional opponents such as Servants that can move without a heart, or individuals that are unaffected by a destroyed heart such as Kotomine Kirei.

ランク:C 種別:対人宝具


Tàng thư về Heavens Feel[]

Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh[]

The creation of the Holy Grail War[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: The creation of the Holy Grail War, p.006


Makiri Zolgen

Tohsaka Nagato
Family head of the Tohsaka during the original planning of the Holy Grail War. He studied under Zelretch as a mage apprentice and dreamt of attaining the Root through the Holy Grail. Also, he was a Christian despite it being banned in the Japan at that time.

Witness, “Wizard Marshall” Kischua Zelretch Schweinorg
One of the only five True Magicians in the world. Zelretch served as the witness during the creation of the Greater Grail. He is an old man with many nicknames. He has been referred to as “Wizard Marshall”, “(Zelretch ) Of the Jewel”, “Kaleidoscope”, “Old Man Time” and many other names. The 5 phenomenon that cannot be achieved through sorcery or science are called “True Magic”, and those individuals who can invoke these are called “True Magicians”. Zelretch once fought the existence known as “Crimson Moon”. Although emerging victorious (draw?), he paid a heavy price. As a result of this engagement, he became severely aged, and his powers diminished. And it was also at that time, he was bitten by the Crimson Moon and turned into a vampire. His name was entered into the list of “The 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors”, which documents powerful vampires.
The Magic which Zelretch wields is something called “The Second Magic”, and through this Magic he can freely stroll through many parallel worlds. He is a complicated and weird guy with a personality that “rages at evil and laughs at good”. He is a powerful existence who is surprisingly meddlesome in worldly affairs, and frequently sparks conflicts. A troublesome figure indeed.
In the Association, becoming “a pupil of Zelretch” is synonymous to being turned into a complete wreck. Tohsaka Nagato is one of the few rare talented ones that returned without a scratch after becoming the pupil of Zelretch.
Not only a True Magician, but also the pinnacle of magi, this is the “Wizard Marshall” Zelretch. His physique is strong and tough. His demeanour can certainly be called “old but not out”.

遠坂 永人
聖杯戦争設計当初の遠坂当主.ゼルレッチに師事したで魔術師,聖杯により根源へと至ることを夢 見ていた. 当時の日本では禁じられていたキリスト教の信者でもある。

History of the Holy Grail War[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: History of the Holy Grail War, p.007

1790s - The Holy Grail War preparation
In the 1790s, the Einzbern and Matou landed in Japan to fulfill their plan. Then, they proceeded with the preparations of the First Holy Grail war over the course of 10 years.

1800s - The First Holy Grail War
The first Holy Grail War. The rules were not laid out properly, and the Masters' sense of being “participants” was weak. Because there were no Command Spells as in the present, the Servants did not comply with orders, and so the rest of the ritual failed. The Descent of the Holy Grail was at Ryūdō temple.

1860s - The Second Holy Grail War
In light of the failure of the First, the ritual was held only after detailed rules were developed. The so-called "Command Spell System” was perfected/completed, so that it became possible for the Master to enslave the Servant, though the War was a failure. The Descent of the Holy Grail was at the Tōsaka Residence.

1930s - The Third Holy Grail War
Held on the eve of WWII. There were battles over the Lesser Grail with the Imperial Army and the Nazis as well, and the fighting unfolded in the Imperial Capital, but the Lesser Grail was destroyed and the ritual failed. The evocation site of the Grail was at Fuyuki Church. Angra Mainyu was taken in and the Greater Grail was contaminated.

1990s - The Fourth Holy Grail War

2000s - The Fifth Holy Grail War
Events told in "Fate / stay night", the latest and final battle.

2010s - The taking apart of the Holy Grail War.
Ten years after the Fifth War. Lord Emelloi II (real name, Waver Velvet. One of the Masters of the Fourth War) arrived in Fuyuki and together with the head of the Tohsaka line, set out to completely take apart the Great Grail. The Association was planning on bring back the Greater Grail, so the two sides were completely opposed. After the end of the great turmoil of the same magnitude as the Grail War, the Greater Grail was completely dismantled. The Grail Wars of Fuyuki came to a complete conclusion here.

1790年頃 - 聖杯戦争の準備

1800年頃 - 第一次聖杯戦争
最初の聖杯戦争. ルールはロクに規定されておらず, マスターたちの"参加者"としての意識は希薄, 現在のような令呪がないためサーヴァントは命令に従わないなど儀式の休をなさず矢敗した. 聖杯降臨地は柳洞寺

1860年頃 - 第ニ次聖杯戦争
第一次の失敗を踏まえ, 細部のルールを整備して執り行われた回. "令呪というシスタム"が完成し, マスターがサーヴァントを思い通りに使役することが可能になったが, 儀式は朱敗に終わる.聖杯降臨地は遠坂邸

1930年頃 - 第三次聖杯戦争
第二次世界大戦前夜に執り行われた回。 小聖杯を巡り帝国陸軍やナチスを交え、帝都を舞台に戦いが繰り広げられたが、小聖杯が破壊され 失敗。聖杯降臨地は冬木協会。 アンリマユを取り込み、大聖杯が汚染された。

1990年頃 - 第四次聖杯戦争

2000年頃 - 第五次聖杯戦争
『Fate/stay night』で語られた、最新にレて最後の戦い。これまでの聖杯戦争の締めくくりと呼ぶに相応しい激戦が繰り広げられた。で語られた、最新にレて最後の戦い。これまでの聖杯戦争の締めくくりと呼ぶに相応しい激戦が繰り広げられた。監督者の任にあつ言峰 綺礼が、本来の参加者であるバゼットを殺害してランサーのマスタ一になり代わるなど、不測の事態が数多く発生した回でもある。

2010年頃 - 聖杯戦争の解体

History of the Lesser Grail[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: History of the Lesser Grail, p.009

History of the Lesser Grail
• Fourth Holy Grail War

• Fifth Holy Grail War

• Matou Sakura
In the final events of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Zolgen (Matou Zouken) acquired the fragments of the destroyed Grail. He combined the fragments with his Crest worms, which he put inside Sakura's body. Though she was incomplete, this turned her into a second Lesser Grail.


Distortion of the Holy Grail by "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil"[]

["Angra_Mainyu:_All_the_World's_Evil" v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Record of Heavens Feel - Holy Grail War: Distortion of the Holy Grail by "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil", p.010

Wishes of the Holy Grail granted by "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil"
Angra Mainyu was one young man who has forced to bear all the sins of the world to prove the goodness of the people of the world in the small but complete world of a village. He, who had been wished to be the "Symbol of Evil" by people, was summoned as a Servant and defeated, but when he was taken into the Grail, a black miracle had happened. The power of the Grail as a wish granterer received the wishes that humanity had placed on Angra Mainyu and was trying to give him, an existence that was only a soul, a physical form with power befitting that of the "Symbol of Evil".
Angra Mainyu was being born, with the Greater Grail as a uterus, as an embodiment of the Third Magic. Successful cases of True Magic. Birth of Angra Mainyu. The evil desires people wished upon Angra Mainyu connected to the Greater Grail and the cursed concept of "All the Evils in the World" had begun to become incarnated. This could be said to be a successful case of the Third Magic.

Hệ thống Servant[]

Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến trạng thái Servant[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến trạng thái Servant, trang 014
  • Vùng Đất
  • Nhận Thức
  • Ma lực của Master

Có ba yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến trạng thái của Servant là Vùng Đất, Nhận Thức và Master.
Đối với Vùng Đất và Nhận Thức, càng ở gần vùng đất (về phạm vi văn hóa) nơi vũ đài truyền thuyết của Anh Linh và Anh Linh đó càng được biết đến nhiều thì người đó càng mạnh hơn.
Ý nghĩa từ "mạnh" ở đây là Servant trở nên gần gũi với sức mạnh, trang bị trong truyền thuyết. Qua sự ban phước này, các Bảo Khi bổ sung khác cũng có thể có được.
Nếu Cú Chulainn được triệu hồi ở quê nhà Ireland, có lẽ sẽ được thêm một lâu đài, chiến xa, sự bảo vệ khỏi cơn khó ngủ, và những thứ tương tự. Ngoài ra, nếu ma lực của Master mạnh, Servant sẽ trở nên gần với sức mạnh trong truyền thuyết hơn.

Saber - Master: Emiya Shirou
Saber - Master: Emiya Kiritsugu
Sức Mạnh: B Sức Mạnh: B
Sức Bền: C Sức Bền: A
Nhanh Nhẹn: C Nhanh Nhẹn: A
Ma Lực: B Ma Lực: A
May Mắn: B May Mắn: D
Bảo Khí: C Bảo Khí: A++
Kỹ năng trường phái:
Kháng Ma Lực: A
Điều Khiển Vật Cưới: B
Kỹ năng trường phái:
Kháng Ma Lực: A
Điều Khiển Vật Cưới: A
Vì Artoria đã phục vụ nhiều Master, nên cô ta là một ví dụ điển hình để chứng minh ảnh hưởng từ ma lực của Master đối với trạng thái của Servant. Do Đường Dẫn Ma Lực của Shirou bị nghẽn, nên năng lực của Artoria không thể gọi là Servant tốt nhất khi có Shirou làm Master. Năng lực của Artoria tăng lên khi có Kiritsugu làm Master. Chỉ số May Mắn giảm xuống là do Kiritsugu cũng không thể cung cấp ma lực đầy đủ, kết quả là trạng thái bị lối sống của Master bị làm ảnh hưởng. Khi có Rin làm Master, Artoria có thể giải phóng những năng lực nguyên gốc mà không chịu ảnh hưởng từ Master.

Sự khác biệt giữa Anh Linh và Servant[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Sự khác biệt giữa Anh Linh và Servant, trang 012

Sự khác biệt giữa Anh Linh và Servant
Anh Linh là những anh hùng đã để lại những thành tựu vĩ đại trong truyền thuyết sau khi chết và trở thành những đối tượng làm đức tin của mọi người.
Thông thường, một Anh Linh sẽ được triệu hồi bởi Thế Giới như một sức mạnh bảo vệ loài người.
Những ai do con người triệu hồi sẽ là Servant. Tuy nhiên, Anh Linh không thể bị con người kiểm soát, và để triệu hồi được họ, cần phải sử dụng đến Chén Thánh hoặc thứ gì đó có sức mạnh tương tự.
Hệ thống Servant ở Fuyuki triệu hồi các Anh Linh bằng sức mạnh của Đại Chén Thánh. Các Anh Linh được triệu hồi làm Servant giống như những "hiện thân", những bản sao được tạo nên bằng thông tin từ bản thể của Servant anh hùng.

Thrones of Heroes diagram

•Sự ra đời của Anh Linh
Các Anh Linh được giải thích là những sinh vật vốn là những anh hùng có được đức tin của mọi người sau khi chết, nhưng anh hùng trong thần thoại và truyền thuyết có thể được sinh ra bằng cách tạo lập đức tin ngay cả khi họ không tồn tại. Ngoài ra, có những người tạo khế ước gì đó với thế giới khi họ còn sống và đền bù bằng cách trở thành Anh Linh sau khi chết. Trong cuộc chiến lần thứ năm, Hassan-i-Sabbah là một anh hùng thực sự tồn tại, còn Herakles và Medusa là những anh hùng trong truyền thuyết. Ngoài ra, Emiya và Artoria là những thể sống đã (hoặc sẽ) trở thành Anh Linh sau khi tạo khế ước với thế giới. Những người trở thành Anh Linh đó được giải phóng khỏi những rành buộc về thời gian và chuyển tới Anh Linh Tọa, tồn tại ở bên ngoài thế giới.

•Triệu hồi Anh Linh
Anh Linh là những thể sống đã rời khỏi trục thời gian và có thể triệu hồi đến bất cứ thời đại nào, dù là quá khứ hay tương lai. Tuy nhiên, chỉ có "thế giới" mới có thể triệu hồi bản thể của Anh Linh, và than ôi, con người không thể triệu hồi bản thể đó mà chỉ có thể triệu hồi hiện thân của họ, tức Servant mà thôi. Về chuyện đó, thông tin (linh hồn) tạo nên Servant trở lại bản thể ngay khi Servant đó chết, còn bản thể có thể biết, giống như lưu trữ, về hoạt động của Servant như thể đọc một cuốn sách vậy.

Hệ thống Servant - Linh Thể và Thực Thể[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Linh Thể và Thực Thể, trang 018

Linh Thể và Thực Thể
"Linh Thể" là từ để mô tả một sự tồn tại với các đặc tính linh hồn. Nói cách khác, một hình dạng được cấu thành mà không lệ thuộc vào các đặc tính vật lý. Trái lại, "Thực Thể" có nghĩa là thứ mang cấu trúc đồng nhất với xác thịt. Một Thực Thể, giống hệt như chúng ta, không thể đi xuyên qua tường, sẽ chịu đau và bị thương khi bị đánh bằng dùi sắt. Tuy nhiên, Linh Thể lại có khả năng bỏ qua hoàn toàn các can thiệp vật lý. Tấn công một Linh Thể bằng dùi hay kiếm (trừ phi chúng là những dụng cụ ma thuật) sẽ chỉ đánh trúng vào khoảng không.
Khi Servant thực thể hóa, họ có được thực thể trong thế giới này. Họ cũng có thể tùy ý chuyển sang dạng Linh Thể. Linh Thể có những lợi thế như tiêu thụ ít ma lực và khó bị kẻ địch phát hiện. Một trong những đặc tính của Linh Thể là không bị ảnh hưởng bởi can thiệp vật lý, nhưng ngược lại Linh Thể cũng khó có thể gây tác động đến Thực Thể. Kết quả là, các Servant sẽ thực thế hóa khi tham gia chiến đấu.


Mặc dù đều là thực thể, nhưng cấu thành của Servant và con người có khác biệt rất lớn. Hiển nhiên là không thể cấy ghép các bộ phận từ Thực Thể của Servant cho con người. Tuy nhiên, Emiya Shirou lại có thể cấy ghép thành công cánh tay trái của Archer để thay cho cánh tay đã mất của mình. Sao thế được? Đó là bởi Shirou và Archer – Anh Linh EMIYA là cùng một người.

Cách để đánh bại một Servant[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Cách để đánh bại một Servant, trang 018

Cách để đánh bại một Servant
Khi một Anh Linh hiện lên trong thế giới này, trước tiên người đó sẽ có được một Linh Hạch. Tiếp đó Anh Linh sẽ thực thể hóa dưới dạng thân xác bao trùm lấy Linh Hạch đó. Để đánh bại một Anh Linh, cần phải gây tổn thương cho Linh Hạch. Linh Hạch sẽ dần dần tiêu biến do kết quả của việc tiêu hao lượng ma lực khổng lồ hoặc chịu thương tổn về thể xác. Dưới những điều kiện bất lợi đó, sự tiêu tốn ma lực của Anh Linh sẽ gia tăng, và khi chịu thương tổn do tác động bởi lượng ma lực hùng hậu, lời nguyền hay Bảo Khí, Linh Hạch sẽ bị phá hủy, Anh Linh sẽ không còn có thể duy trì thực thể hóa nữa. Tim và não kết nối trực tiếp với Linh Hạch, do đó chúng là điểm yếu của Anh Linh. Chịu thương tổn ở những vị trí này sẽ làm Linh Hạch suy yếu đáng kể.

•Trận chiến của các Servant
Trận chiến giữa các Servantcan có thể gọi là một quá trình bào mòn dần lượng ma lực tạo nên cơ thể họ. Những đòn tấn công tiêu tốn một lượng lớn ma lực sẽ gây thương tổn nặng nề cho đối phương, nhưng nó cũng làm yếu bản thân trong quá trình đó. Để gây được thương tổn lớn với chi phí ma lực tối thiểu, cần phải thu thập thông tin về kẻ địch và tấn công vào điểm yếu của họ.


Triệu hồi Servant[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Triệu hồi Servant, trang 013

Triệu hồi Servant
Trước hết, Master thực hiện một nghi thức để can thiệp với Đại Chén Thánh, rồi Đại Chén Thánh sẽ vay mượn thông tin từ bản thể trên Anh Linh Tọa.
Thông tin (linh hồn thuần khiết nhất của Anh Linh) được thổi vào vật chứa là các Trường Phái, và các bản sao của Anh Linh được tạo ra là Servant.
Servant là một sự tồn tại không ổn định mà đáng lẽ không nên có trên thế giới, nên sự tồng tại của họ trên thế giới cần phải được neo giữ lại, với Master làm vật chủ. Mater còn có vai trò cung cấp ma lực cho Servant.
Khi thực hiện nghi thức, Master có thể chỉ định Anh Linh được triệu hồi bằng cách chuẩn bị một vật xúc tác có ràng buộc với Servant mình mong muốn. Nếu không có vật xúc tác, một Anh Linh tương đồng tốt với Master sẽ được triệu hồi. Trong trường hợp vật xúc tác cho nhiều Anh Linh (ví dụ, cánh cổng thành Troy, biểu tượng của cuộc chiến thành Troy), Anh Linh nào có tính tương đồng tốt với Master trong các ứng cử viên sẽ được chọn.

Anh Linh
Vật xúc tác
Artoria (Vua Arthur) Avalon, vỏ gươm Excalibur.
Cú Chulainn Một viên bảo thạch có khắc phép rune nguyên bản do Cú Chulainn viết. Đã được gia chế làm bông tai.
EMIYA Mặt dây chuyền bảo thạch của Tohsaka Rin
Gilgamesh Da rắn nguyên thủy
Medusa Một chiếc gương đào được từ ngôi đền ở Eritrea. Vật phẩm này kết nối với một nữ thần Đất cổ của Hy Lạp.
Medea Tác phẩm văn học, từ Colchis, kết nói với Medea.
Sasaki Kojirou Cái cổng núi.
Hassan-i Sabbah Vì Hassan là gốc của từ Assassin, nên trường phái Assassin chính là vật xúc tác của Hassan.
Heracles Một phiến đá từ đền thờ của Heracles.

Trường phái[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Trường phái, trang 015

Trường phái
"Trường phái Servant" là một vật chứa được chuẩn bị để thực thể hóa một Anh Linh được triệu hồi đến thời hiện tại để làm một Servant.
Có bảy trường phái Servant: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin và Berserker. Vì không thể có trường phái nào trùng lặp, nên bảy Servant tham gia Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh sẽ thuộc những trường phái khác nhau.
Các Anh Linh xác định trường phái dựa trên những đặc điểm của mình, rồi được triệu hồi làm Servant của trường phái tương ứng. Ví dú, trường phái duy nhất thích hợp cho Artoria là Saber, nhưng Hercules, người mà trong truyền thuyết được cho là lão luyện mọi loại vũ khí, có thể được triệu hồi vào mọi trường phái trừ Caster. Sự tương đồng giữa Master và Anh Linh sẽ xác định trường phái nào Anh Linh được triệu hồi vào. Tuy nhiên, nhà Einzbern, một trong "Ngự Tam Gia Khởi Thủy" và nắm rõ quy tắc của hệ thống Servant, đã có thể can thiệp trước vào hệ thống và triệu hồi Hercules làm Berserker.
Trong tất cả các trường phái, Saber, Lancer và Archer còn được gọi là "Tam Hiệp Sĩ". Họ thường là những Anh Linh từ Thời Đại Thần Thánh khi mà ma thuật còn phổ biến. Do khả năng Kháng Ma Lực cao, các pháp sư hiện đại không thể gây tổn thương đến họ.
Trường phái Assassin là trường hợp đặc biệt, vì chỉ có Hassan al-Sabbah là Anh Linh đủ tiêu chuẩn.

Knight of the Sword. The compatible Heroic Spirit naturally needs to possess legends as a knight of sword, as well as the highest levels of attributes in all but MGI. Class Abilities include Magic Resistance and Riding. Also, compatible Heroic Spirits usually excel in delivering powerful burst attacks.

Knight of the Lance. Its high qualifying conditions are second only to Sabre. Attributes are excellent overall, in addition, AGI must be high. Of course, Servants of this class are proficient in hit-and-run tactics that capitalise on range and speed. This class includes many Heroic Spirits who were knights.

Knight of the Bow. A class that excels in possessing powerful Noble Phantasms. The qualifying condition is not attributes, but the possession of powerful projectile weapons or special abilities related to projectile weapons. Highly effective as scouts. They have not only the Magic Resistance ability of the Knight Classes, but also the class ability of Independent Action.

Mounted soldier. Heroic Spirits who rode mounts (not limited to living creatures) qualify for this class. Although attributes tend to be lower compared to the Three Knight Classes, this is compensated by the abilities of the mount described in legend. Besides Magic Resistance, class abilities also include high Riding.

Magus. Qualifying conditions only include mastery of sorceries of the highest calibre. Due to this trait, the qualifying Heroic Spirits tend to have low combat abilities. In addition, since the majority of Servants have Magic Resistance, this class is thought to be the weakest of all.

Assassin. The only qualifying Heroic Spirits are the generations of Hassan al-Sabbah's, and one of them would be summoned. All of them do not have glorious legends as heroes, thus possess low attributes. Class ability is Presence Concealment, and the use of this ability during battle is the lifeline of Assassin.

Mad Warrior. Heroes who have gone berserker during battle qualify for this class. Normally it is considered ideal if a Servant can wield power at the level of the original Heroic Spirit, but "Mad Enhancement" allows for the attribute enhancement of the Servant beyond the ability of the original at the cost of sanity. A class originally used to enhance weak Heroic Spirits.

Trạng thái Servant[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Tàng thư về Heavens Feel - Hệ thống Servant: Trạng thái Servant, trang 014

Trạng thái Servant


  • Sức mạnh: khả năng của cơ thể về mặt sức khỏe.
  • Sức bền: mức độ thương tổn có thể chịu đựng.
  • Nhanh nhẹn: sự lanh lẹ và tốc độ phản ứng.
  • Ma lực: lượng ma lực có thể vận dụng.
  • May mắn: mức độ may mắn.
  • Bảo Khí: sức mạnh của Bảo Khí sở hữu.

•Thiên tính
Một trạng thái cho thấy biểu hiện rõ ràng về tâm lý của Servant. Nó thể hiện sự kết hợp giữa các nguyên tắc được coi trọng và nhân cách của họ, trong đó nguyên tắc là "trật tự, trung lập, hỗn độn" còn nhân cách là "thiện, trung dung, ác". Chúng khác với lửa, gió và các thuộc tính khác của pháp sư.
Sự không hợp nhau về nhân cách sẽ không gây bất hòa lớn, nhưng khác biệt về nguyên tắc sẽ khiến một Servant gặp khó khăn trong việc giải quyết khác biệt quan điểm với một Servant khác.
Artoria "trật tự" và Gilgamesh "hỗn độn" sẽ thường xuyên có quan điểm khác biệt cho dù họ có cùng nhân cách là "thiện".

•Quy tắc thông số


Một tập hợp các quy tắc đại diện cho cấp bậc thứ hạng của một trạng thái cụ thể. Chúng dao động trong khoảng từ A~E. EX là một đơn vị đứng riêng biệt, đại diện cho sự mạnh mẽ ở mức độ nếu đem so sánh là vô nghĩa. Nếu gán số cho các hạng bậc, thì E=10, và mỗi cấp tăng lên tiếp theo sẽ cộng thêm 10. Hạng có dấu "+" đi kèm như A+ và B+ có thể nhân bội tức thời giá trị số liên kết với nó. Ví dụ, C+(30) có thể tạm thời khuếch đại sức mạnh lên 60, vượt qua hạng A (50). Ngoài ra, "++" đại diện cho sự nhân lên gấp 3 lần.

Kỹ năng trường phái[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Class Skills, p.016

Class Skills
Mad Enhancement
Ability to increase the rank of each status in exchange for sanity. For each rank increase in Mad Enhance, the number of types of boosted parameters increase. At rank B and over, all status values increase.

Independent Action
Enables action even if the Master dies or if the contract with the Master is terminated. It is possible to stay in the world for one day at rank C, and 2 days at rank B. At rank A, the Servant can continue existing even without the Master.

Ability to ride things. A Servant with this at rank A can ride even mythical beasts and divine beasts. However, in order to ride dragon types, a different ability than Riding is necessary.

Item Construction
Ability to create weapons having magic power. As one of the main uses of this, there is the creation of Mystic Codes. At rank A Tool Creation, it is possible to create a pseudo potion of immortality.

Presence Concealment
Ability to cut off one's presence as a Servant. It is possible to hide oneself from enemy Servants. At rank D, it only increases one's suitability in taking covert actions, but at rank A+, the Servant will hardly ever be found.

Territory Creation
Ability to create a territory advantageous to oneself as a magus. The workshops of common magi are also included in as territories, but at rank A, it is possible to create a temple class territory exceeding that of a workshop.

Magic Resistance
Ability of resistance to magery. Generally speaking, it cancels magic of a certain rank and below. At rank B and over, the Servant won't be hurt even by high magery, ritual mantras, and other elaborate magery.

Bảo Khí đóng vai trò là một chứng cứ về Anh Linh[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Records of Heavens Feel - Servant System: Noble Phantasm serving as a proof of a Heroic Spirit, p.017

Noble Phantasm serving as a proof of a Heroic Spirit

Types of Noble Phantasm
Anti-World Noble Phantasm
The type that Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish belongs to. The actual output of Enuma Elish itself is about the same level or a little higher than Artoria's Excalibur, but it's effect which is unquestionably that of the legend of "ripping the world" puts this sword in a special category. Oh, and the rank is EX.

Barrier Noble Phantasms
Of the Noble Phantasms used to create barriers, those that aren't used for attack. Saber's Avalon, which was stored inside Shirou, is a typical example. Even if it's a Noble Phantasm that creates a barrier, those used for attacks, like Rider's Blood Fort Andromeda, will be classified in the Anti-Army category.

Lý thuyết Ma Pháp[]

Khả năng ở mức độ Ma Pháp[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Effects on the Level of True Magic, p.049

Effects on the Level of True Magic
Although generally speaking “there are five True Magics”, this number does not reflect “effects that rival True Magics”. There are several examples in the story. Many Mystic Codes and creatures that exist in the world are also “shaped through True Magic”. Finally, there are those without definite shapes, but only exist “in motion”.
A representative example of this last category is Assassin Kojiro Sasaki’s secret sword technique “Tsubame Gaeshi”. It is an ultimate technique which consists of the blade absolutely, simultaneously tracing separate paths and severing the target. In thaumaturgy, this is called “Multidimensional Refraction Phenomenon – Kischua Zelretch”, in other words, a limited application of the Second Magic “Operation of Parallel Worlds”.
In addition, reality marbles, the sorcery that overwrites reality with the caster’s internal landscape, is also thought to be a skill that approaches the miracle of True Magic. Although temporary, there are not too many magi who are able to execute this World-altering grand sorcery.

•Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia
The matching “scabbard” of the holy sword Excalibur. The wielder does not age, and injuries will also quickly heal.
After invoking its true name, Avalon dissipates as tiny particles into the air, and shields the wielder from all interference. No damage can be done to the wielder when a state of absolute defence is initiated. Even interference from the parallel world based on the Second Magic will be blocked. An “absolute defence” that can even repel the assault of True Magic, it is a True Magic in itself. No one can harm the tranquil King that stands in the land of Avalon.
When Avalon was unleashed, not even the King of Heroes could harm Sabre.

•Caster’s Sorcery (limited to Ryudo Temple)
In the ancient era, sorcery is synonymous to True Magic, thus magi are Magicians. The true identity of the Caster in the Fifth War is Medea. She is one of these sorceresses that lived in the Age of Gods. Therefore, the sorceries which she executes have powers that approach the realm of True Magic. No matter how large-scale the sorcery is, she can use ‘High Speed Divine Language” to cast it in one step. Her skills even transcend the strongest magi of the current era, exceeding the Magicians. Although Medea is not a Magician, no one can argue that she is “a magus that is infinitely close to the Magicians”.

•Phantasmal Species (Phantasmal Beasts of the Millennium-Rank, and Divine Beasts)
The creatures told in the myths and legends around the world. Dragons, Fairies, and Ghosts etc. are such examples. The Pegasus mounted by Rider is a member of the Phantasmal Species.
Phantasmal Species embody mysteries simply by existing, thus they transcend normal sorceries. Those Phantasmal Species that have survived for millennia are thought to be equal to True Magic, even observing one can be said to be a miracle.

•The Spatial Transportation of Servants
Spatial Transportation is a sorcery in the realm of True Magic. Not used normally, but Masters can use command spells to realise it to a limited extend. This is called Forced Summoning. Although the distance may be quite far, after the command is issued, the Servant will traverse great distances and arrive at the side of the Master in haste.

•Zelretch’s Treasure Chest
The heirloom of the Tohsaka House, and now it is a mystery chest that Rin favours. It was made by Zelretch.
It looks like a “genuine treasure chest” from the outside, but it is really a “magical chest” that was made by applying the Second Magic. By bending space, most items can be fit into it. Possibly due to the effect of the Second Magic, the rate of temporal passage inside the chest is different from that of the outside. One hour inside equals to one day outside.

Dòng họ[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Family lineage of Magus, p.046

Family lineage of Magus
Great magic families

Family name or Representative
Tohsaka Conversion -
Makiri Absorption -
Einzbern Flow and transfer of power Magic attribute that Einzbern magi are skilled in. They are specialized at the transmutation and creation of materials, that is, alchemy, using this attribute, and are highly skilled in the production of homunculi. Illya often uses magic, using the attribute of transferring, to move the consciousness of others to something else.
Edelfelt Conversion Family from Finland. Like Tohsaka, prefer jewels magic, which uses the attribute of conversion.
Barthomeloi Almighty Old line even in the Magic Association. One of the families of the rulers, the Lords. Embodiments of perfectionism and aristrocracy.
Milyonecalion Prosperity One of the top magi in the magic world, known also by the name "Giver of All Sealing Designations" (or other way around?). Details are unknown.
Jewel Killer Halting One of the remarkable magi in history, affiliated with the Sea of Estray, the mysterious prototype of the Magic Association.
Hermes Silis Atlasia Future Magus from one of the divisions of the Magic Association, the Atlas Institute, the association for the magi and alchemists of Egypt.

Giáo Hội Thánh Đường[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - The two great forces in the Thaumaturgy world: The Holy Church, p.052

Holy Chuch
•Agents to eliminate heretics

•Hội Bí Tích Thứ Tám
The remains and blood of saints, the nails that crucified Christ, the 30 silver coins of Judas, and other items with the holy attribute are call holy relics, and the special agency for collecting and managing these holy relics scattered across the globe is called the "Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament".
"Sacraments" refers to the seven graces that God bestows in the Catholic faith: Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Confirmation, Penance, Anointing. The "Eighth Sacrament" refers to the "Grace that doesn't Exist" in the rightful faith. Put into other words, this can also be said to be "power separated from the faith". In other words, the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament is a group of special clerics who do not fear being involved in heretical power such as magery, and are trained for retrieving the hidden relics.

•Cơ Quan Mai Táng

Niệm chú[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Incantations, p.043

The incantation is the action for performing magic and is necessary when starting up a magic formula. There are two types of incantations, steps and bars, and bars take more time than steps, which finish instantly. The more difficult the magic formula, the more bars are needed, also, it is possible to raise the effect of the magic the longer the incantation is made.

There are rules to be kept in the incantation and if those are kept, adding personal arrangement to the finer points is effective. This is particularly evident in spells and it’s normal for there to be different arrangement according to ease of usage per school and magus. Also, with respect to large scale magic, a ritual or contract is necessary to start up the formula, but these include countless steps and bars so these aren't treated as incantations. Note that the high speed divine words of Casters can activate large scale magic with one bar, and on top of that, that one bar can activate spells faster than or the equivalent of one step.

•One bar (approximately one second)
Incantations using spells and utterances. No matter how fast one says it, at least one second will be used up. Put two of these together and you have two bars, three and you have three bars, and the incantation becomes larger and larger. Of course, for each extra bar, the time is extended by 1 second.

•One step (less than one second)
Incantations performed by one action such as finger pointing, teeth gnashing, etc.
These are the shortest types of incantations and they can activate magic in an instant.
These include Gandr shooting which activates by finger pointing and mystic eyes which activate by looking. Also called Single Action.

•Ten count (instant contract) (ten seconds)
A magic startup method which establishes a contract that would have actually taken many hours in about ten seconds. As an incantation, there would be ten or more bars. Thus, while it may be called instant, ten seconds will actually be necessary.

Vùng đất và Ma Thuật[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Land and Thaumaturgy, p.043

Land and Thaumaturgy
To use magic, what is necessary is a sequence in which a magus, once establishing contact with a magic foundation engraved in the world, sends a command to the magic foundation and executes a premade function. At this time, the fuel used for executing the function is magic energy, and the magus will have to send the command at the same time as the magic energy.

Magic foundations are magic theories that magus schools have engraved in the world, and magic is started up in accordance with those rules and systems. For example, the magic theory with the largest foundation is the “Teaching of the Lord” of the Church. Magic foundations engraved in the form of academia and religions fuse intimately with the veins of the land, and the magus using that magic foundation can perform magic anywhere in the world. However, if the magus leaves the land where his magic foundation was engraved in, he loses the backup of his land, and the force is certain to deteriorate.

Note that the case is different with magic foundations that are not academia or religions but rather are passed down through personal orally transmitted teachings, the limited inheritance in clans, etc. As long as the rules of those foundations are met, it is possible to exhibit the same basic effect no matter where one is in the world.

Matou Zouken
The Makiri line moved from their homeland to Fuyuki and fell. For a magus to leave their land carries the meaning of departing from their own magic foundation and is extremely risky.

Ma Thuật[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft, p.040

Keywords to learn about Thaumaturgy
Determines the orientation of the magic that the magus is skilled in

•Đặc tính
One of the factors determining the effect of one's magic. There are multiple genres like reinforcement and projection.

•Nền tảng ma thuật
System engraved in the world in advance, which renders magic usable. Takes the form of academia and religion.

•Khởi nguyên
The orientation at the time that an event occurred.
The origin is what defines the existence as an existence. In magery, it also is used under the meaning of alignment.

•Magic formula
Something included in a magic foundation and in which the function of magic is recorded.
The magus sends a command to the magic formula, puts magic power into it, and thereby activates the function of magic incorporated into the formula in advance.


Hiệp Hội Pháp Sư[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - The two great forces in the Thaumaturgy world: Mage's Association, p.051

“Clock Tower”, the Highest Institute of Magic
The Clock Tower, the core of the Association and in fact what could also be said to be the Association itself, is based in the British museum of London. Magi from all over the world gather and devote themselves day and night to the study of magic, while at the same time, are busily tripping over and being tripped over by other factions and competing for power and budget. The organization is anything but harmonious and has a complicated bizarre structure, but the magical research there is without doubt the leading edge.

Below the building, there is the magi’s research area which includes studies and archives. It is only a venerable museum to normal people of course, but at the deepest part, there is a special area (prison?) called the “Bottom of the Bridge” where the Association confines many sealing designated magi deemed to be “dangerous because their talents were too outstanding.” Also, apparently the Gazamy the “Evil Spook”, treated as the number one disaster in the Association, is locked up at the bottom of the London tower.

The person of highest position in the Clock Tower, the “Director” has been the same person for the 2000 years since the founding of the organization, and because of this is thought to be something more than human.

The organization handling patents relating to magic is also the Clock Tower, and the current finances of the Tohsaka family is being by covered by the patent royalties that are being transferred to their account.

Hệ thống phân cấp
A magus is given a “rank” that matches his ability. The highest is said to be Crown (Grand), but details on it are unknown. Note that Lord El-melloi II, lecturer at the Clock Tower who has produced many Grands among his pupils, is stuck in the mediocre “fourth rank” for some reason.

Danh hiệu màu sắc
Separate from the normal ranks, color-based titles are given to those that have become special.
The highest are red, blue, and yellow based on the three primary colors. After that, there are the combined colors of orange, purple, green, black, and so on. The further down you go, the less your rank is. Note that there is no rule about only one person for each color. The Association will, without any stinginess, award a color to you if you’re a magus of great stature or one with an unusual talent.

Phong Ấn Chỉ Định Chấp Hành Giả
If you receive a “sealing designation”, you will be confined and even your magic research will be gone, not to mention your freedom. Thus, the person given that designation will of course desperately resist that and won’t stop fighting. To forcefully retrieve magi who were qualified enough to be given a sealing designation, the Association dispatches “Enforcers.” There are around 30 of them total, and Bazett is one of them.

Quân Chủ, lãng phí thời gian của họ cho các cuộc tranh giành quyền lực
In the Magic Association, no rather, the Clock Tower, there are a number of families that hold sway. They are called Lords and are the objects of fear. There are three major families of Lords and about 20 families of relatives. These families are well-known even in normal society. The history of one family is at shortest 500 years and the longest is over 2000 years. They have been plotting and plotting since a staggeringly long past.

The Sea of Estray, together with the Atlas Institute, is an organization called the original form of the Magic Association.
Among the founders of the Magic Association, there had been many heretical magi who were exiled from the Sea of Estray and the Atlas Institute and had no place left to go.
The base of the Sea of Estray is in Northern Europe. This base, with the nickname of the Moving Stone Coffin, is itself a moving mountain range. Normally it is wandering at sea as its name suggests, but sometimes it comes up on dry land.
It seems they research mainly body alteration, but the specifics are unknown.

*Giả Kim Thuật Sư là gì?
One who studies the flow of matter. That is what an alchemist is. The alchemists of the Clock Tower created products like the homunculi of the Einzbern by merging with western magery.
However, the ultimate goal of the alchemists of the Atlas Institute is set even closer to the original ideology, as the "transformation of events". The often spoke-up "transformation of base metal to gold" in alchemy is, to the members of the Atlas Institute, mere "transformation of matter" and is nothing more than a primitive art far removed from their ideals. Their alchemy is an advancement of the metallurgy of ancient Egypt, the root of the discipline, and has not been influenced by western magery like the alchemy that the Clock Tower magi handle.

Ma Pháp[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: "Magic" making the impossible possible, p.048

"Magic" making the impossible possible
True Magic. This is a different mystery than magery. Magi call the events that are unachievable by magery and science in that age True Magic. If that event could be achieved by time and resources, then no matter the difficulty, that event will not be seen as True Magic.
When the civilization of mankind was still young, all magery had been True Magic. But along with the advancement of science, the number of things that "could be done" by people had increased, and in exchange, True Magic diminished. The number of remaining "True Magics" in the modern era are extremely few, only 5. In "Fate/stay night", the achievement of one of these, the "Third True Magic", occupied the portion of the Grail War that could also be said to be its base.
All magi strive to arrive at "True Magic". Even if they can't reach it, the next generation will. Even the next generation can't reach it, then the one after....and like that, thus was weaved the history of trial and error of magery.

True Magic
First True Magic One of the oldest True Magics but the details about it are unknown. What it involves appears to be common knowledge to some magi of privileged rank. The user of the First has already passed away, but it is said that the person that would be his heir is still alive, barely.
Second True Magic The True Magic that observes the infinite parallel worlds and travels between alternative worlds. Its user is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. With this magic, this man was able to create a jewel sword to absorb mana from the other worlds and a box that could store an immense amount of objects.
Third True Magic Materialization of the soul, in other words, the magic that realizes true immortality. When accomplished, the practitioner will acquire an unlimited source of magical energy due to the soul becoming analogous to a perpetual motion machine. This is the Magic of the Einzbern lineage, and the Holy Grail War was established to acquire this Magic.
Fourth True Magic Like the First True Magic, the details about it are unknown. What it involves hasn't been heard of either. But, the currently existing wizards, when pointing out to the Fourth True Magic, they'll all say "it is there for sure", and will agree that it exists. Also, they don't know the name of the user either.
Fifth True Magic The True Magic that the Traveling Magician Aozaki Aoko inherited from her grandfather. Its nickname is "Magic Blue." The user Aozaki Aoko is average as a magus but displays transcendence with destruction. Because of this trait, there is a rumor that "Magic Blue" is also a True Magic involving destruction.

•Ngũ Đại Ma Pháp Sư
There are five True Magics left in the current age. Those who use them are called "Magicians". The user of the First Magic, the oldest True Magic, is said to be dead, so the ones that are "still alive" are four. Let's say that "what had been possible only by True Magic" then becomes achievable by developments in magery or scientific technology. True Magic will be lowered to a mere "craft". Many True Magics were lost from the world like that. Then, can the power of "True Magic" only fade out hereon? No. The arrival of magi at existing or as of yet uncharted new Magic can allow new True Magic to be born and the numbers to be increased. Needless to say, this is far more difficult than a camel passing through the eye of a needle and finding one speck of a jewel in a desert. However, it's not impossible. The existence of the Wizards is proof of that. Thus, magi strive for the heights of True Magic. Believing they will one day reach the stars in the skies with their own hands, they continue dedicating themselves to their studies daily.

•Cái chết của Ma Pháp Chân Chính, Cái chết của Phù Thủy
A Magician, just like a magus, has a long life. If one uses life-prolonging magic, it wouldn't be impossible to live a few hundred, a few thousand years either. But, the "end" will come for sure. Then, would the death of a Magician mean the death of the True Magic he uses? No, it would not. True Magic will be passed on to the inheritor of the next generation and will not disappear. If True Magic were to die, it would only be when it could be realized by normal means.

Ma Thú[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Magical Beasts, p.046

Magical Beasts
An umbrella term that encompasses all beasts that do not fall within the normal ecosystem. In this context, “beast” is a thaumaturgical term, and does not necessarily mean quadrupedal mammals. Magical Beasts cannot be explained by immature research or sudden mutations. They are true deviations from biology. Roughly Magical Beasts can be classified into Monstrous Beasts -> Phantasmal Beasts -> Divine Beasts in ascending order towards higher existence.
Most Magical Beasts have existed since the Age of Gods, and are Chimeras formed from mixing different species. They live on currently undeveloped lands that cannot be reached by mankind. Furthermore, Phantasmal Beasts that have existed in the past have almost all migrated to a different world presented as the “Inside of the World”.
Although classified as a Monstrous Beast, the Pegasus that Rider mounted in the story is an existence closer to that of a Phantasmal Beast due to surviving over a very long period of time. Also worth mentioning is that, Phantasmal Beasts that have survived over thousands of years are on the same tier as True Magic, thus rendering mysteries on the level of sorcery completely ineffective against them.


  • Huyễn Tưởng Chủng đứng đầu – Loài Rồng

Dragons, or Magical Beasts similar to Dragons, have members in all classes of Magical Beasts (Monstrous, Phantasmal, and Divine Beasts). Dragons are always thought to be the greatest species within their corresponding classes. Because there are dragons of the Monstrous, Phantasmal, and Divine classes, they have been involved with mankind since before the Age of Gods. They have also left many legends in the field of thaumaturgy.

  • A Heroic Spirit with a Rank in Monster ∙ Magical Beast

Because Rider’s true identity is Medusa, she possesses a rank of Monster ∙ Magical Beast. As a result, the rank of her Divinity decreased to the lowest value of E-. As compensation, she received the ability of Monsters and Magical Beasts, Monstrous Strength.

Rider is more of a Divine Spirit than a Heroic Spirit. Yet, it is better to call her “an anti-hero closer to a monster” instead of a Divine Spirit. Because she possesses a rank as a monster, Rider is very incompatible with Servants who fought off monsters in their tales.

Pháp Sư[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Magus, p.041

•Magic circuit
Magic circuits are the pseudo nerves that a magus has inside himself. These are paths that generate magic energy and access the magic foundation engraved in the world. Magi make magic energy with the magic circuits and use the magic energy to run the magic foundation and thus put magery into effect. To do either of these, the magic circuits are necessary.

As suggested by the description pseudo nerves, these are split into cores and lines joining these together and are spread throughout the body.

The number of magic circuits are fixed at birth and the number won't increase by other than external factors.

•Magic crest
The product of stamping the anchored mystery that a magus had spent his entire life building up. Can be said to be mystical inheritance that defines the magus line as a magus line. While the inheritor is young, it is necessary to implant this little at a time while at the same time having the body adjust to the magic crest by medicine and rituals. The magic association also has technology for extracting just the magic crest from the body and storing it.

•Magus alignment
What determines what kind of attributes a magus' magic is going to be likely to have, or what kind of magic the magus is going to have good chemistry with, is going to be the element aligned with the magus.
In addition to the five great elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and sky, there's the imaginary elements of Hollow and Nothing, for a number of seven.
Some of the five elements will differ according to the school of magic. A famous one is a style in which the five great elements are formed from wood, fire, soil, metal,and water.
Basically, one magus has one alignment, but sometimes there are magi with two alignments (like fire and earth, wind and water) and there are also those called "Average Ones" who have all the five great elements.

Matou Sakura normally would have been a holder of the imaginary element of Emptiness. However, through her magic training, hers had been changed to the water alignment of the Matou line, so she couldn't exhibit her true talent.

Normal alignments
Five great elements Earth One of the two alignments of Kiritsugu. Kiritsugu exhibited his attribute of combining and used magic which combined the wounds of an enemy in a different form than normal, and made them unhealable.
Five great elements Water The alignment that the Matou magi have had for generations. Matou exhibit the attribute of absorption and have passed it on. Sakura's alignment changed from Emptiness to water.
Five great elements Fire The alignment of Tokiomi and also one of the two alignments of Kiritsugu. It is the symbol of life and death and has good chemistry with destructive magic.
Five great elements Wind One of the two alignments of Kayneth Elmelloi Archibold. There are few magi with wind as an alignment
Five great elements Sky An element which makes up celestial bodies that is newly added as a fifth element to the four great elements of earth, water, fire, and wind. This is, in other words, Ether.
Imaginary Elements Hollow The alignment that Sakura was born with. Defined, in magery, as that "which is possible but is not in the physical plane". Also called imaginary numbers.
Imaginary Elements Nothingness Like Hollow, the alignment of an imaginary element. In magery, defined as that "which is not possible, but materializes". Has a different meaning that the "nothing" of physics and math.

•The absoluteness called Origin
If alignment determines the root of one's magic, then even deeper than that, is the origin which determined the root of one's existence. The origin is not only for magi, but is the orientation that all things are born with and it's existence itself is thought absolutely necessary.
Those magi with an origin that is strongly expressed outwardly are sometimes removed from the normal alignments and there are times that the origin itself becomes the alignment. Most of those magi exhibit their talents as extreme specialists.
Because of that, it's said that they can reach higher grounds than normal magi.

Shirou Emiya's origin is "Sword" and his alignment as a Magus is also "Sword". He is unable to use magic of the five great elements with precision because he doesn't have any of them as an alignment, but it does allow for the manifestation of "Unlimited Blade Works."

•Noble Colors
Of the alignments, wind is called "noble" and fire is "normal". By the way, the term "Noble Colors" is used to refer to special and innate things where he workings of the magic circuit are close to the movements of a celestial body (normally they're closer to the movements of the crust), and is innate and special.
Noble Colors are often used to refer to mystic eyes, and Rider's petrifying mystic eyes are also a noble color.

Lễ Khí[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World Material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Mystic Codes, p.047

Magical Formal Wear: Mystic Code
Magic formal wear are tools that magi use to support their execution of magics and are also called "Mystic Codes" or "Formal Wear". There are many different types of functions and shapes to Mystic Codes, but these are generally broken up into two types. The first are those that supplement the magic energy of a magus when he uses magic. The second are those where the Mystic Code itself has a predetermined set effect and a function that activates that effect when used.
Similar to Mystic Codes, there are also "Conceptual Arms". These are weapons where meaning is imparted to items via accumulated history, lore, rituals and the sort, and made so as to affect souls and spiritual bodies.
In Fate/stay night, the "Dress of Heaven" and "Jewel Sword Zelretch" are Mystic Codes, while the "Black Keys" are "Conceptual Arms".

•Support Formal Wear: Support Code
Mystic Codes that function as aids to the use of magic are called Support Codes. Specifically, many Mystic Codes function to amplify or enhance a magus’ power. By using a Support Code, one can power magic with less energy, or utilize great quantities of energy beyond one’s personal limits. For this reason, it is common for any magus to maintain at least one Mystic Code as an energy reserve.
For portability and ease of deployment, form factors that can easily be carried in the hand are favored. The items that magi favor include daggers, short canes, books, jewels, and so forth.

Azoth Blade
One of Tohsaka Rin’s Support Codes. It is a typical Mystic Code, given as a gift to commemorate one’s coming of age.

•Limited Function
In contrast to the auxiliary function of Support Codes, the capability of Mystic Codes to actualize phenomena on their own is called a Limited Function. A complicated procedure is not required to use a Limited Function; instead, one can just flow energy into the Mystic Code.
Mystic Codes that have Limited Functions cannot be used by just any magus, unlike Support Codes. In addition to allowing one to achieve effects that cannot be achieved with one’s own magic, they are highly practical because they can easily be used without performing a complex ritual.
Although Noble Phantasms are paired with Heroic Spirits from legend, and so incomparably powerful as to be considered in a league of their own, most Noble Phantasms that Heroic Spirits possess are Mystic Codes with Limited Functions.

Dress of Heaven
A Mystic Code passed down through the Einzbern lineage. It is the final stage of the Holy Grail War, functioning to control the Greater Grail. Illya, who was designed as a Holy Grail, is in her completed form when she wears the dress.

Jewel Sword Zelretch
This Mystic Code, possessed by the Wizard Marshal Zelretch, has the Limited Function to use the Second Magic. It is among the apex of Mystic Codes, able to tap and use the mana sources of infinite parallel worlds.

Cố Hữu Kết Giới[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Theory of Magic - Magecraft: Reality Marble, p.045

Reality Marble
A Reality Marble is magic that actualizes the internal landscape of oneself. If it's activated, the surrounding space is changed to a completely different landscape.
The actualization of the internal landscape will be explained by the magical theory, "World Egg" shown in the figures to the bottom left.
That is, the Reality Marble is the result of switching the Self and the World while keeping the boundary the same. At this time, the size of the Self and the World is switched, and the World is enclosed in a little container. This little World is the World egg and the name of the theory.

Hỏi và đáp[]

Những câu hỏi tổng hợp về Fate/Stay Night[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130

Q: In the Prologue, the clocks were an hour early when Rin woke up, but she only remembered them being 30 minutes fast... why is that?

Q: In the Prologue, the clocks were an hour early when Rin woke up, but she only remembered them being 30 minutes fast... why is that? She did suspect some trick of her late father’s, though (laugh). Could it be that Rin, being the idiot she is, forgot about the first time and set her clock 30 minutes fast twice?

A: The clocks being one hour fast was a scheme of her late father Tokiomi. A bit of playfulness on his part, seeming to say “if she can’t even notice a slip-up as trivial and close to home as this, it’s too soon for her to fight in the Holy Grail War.” I have to admit, it’s a little different from the perfect gentleman Tokiomi was portrayed as in Fate/Zero (laugh)

Q:プロローグでは凛の目覚まし時計が1時間早くなっていましたが、 彼女は30分しか早めた覚えがない……その原因は?凛は、亡父のイタズラを疑っていましたが(笑)。 やはり大ボケを噛ます凛が、一度目を忘れて“2回”時計を30分早めただけでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130
Q: Prior to the start of the Holy Grail War, what was Gilgamesh doing around Sakura’s house?

Q: Prior to the start of the Holy Grail War, what was Gilgamesh doing around Sakura’s house? Sakura said he was asking directions, did he come to identify “the other Grail” - Sakura?

A: Yes. He came to tell Sakura to “Go die right now”. It is rather a suggestion than command. Regardless the situation, from the King’s perspective, this matter will develop into some sort of entertainment. As a result, what Gilgamesh said was not a command. Sakura’s reply “It was English” was a convenient excuse to hide the truth.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130
Q: Before he summoned Saber, why did Shirou dream about the Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)?

Q: Before he summoned Saber, why did Shirou dream about the Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)? Was the Greater Grail contacting Shirou in order to select him as a Master?

A: During the preparations leading up to the Holy Grail War, when it was decided that Saber (Artoria) would be summoned, “All is a Distant Utopia (Avalon)” within Shirou reacted with his mana flow to cause the image of a “sword” to manifest in his subconscious.

Q:セイバー召喚前に、士郎が"約束された勝利の剣エクスカリバー"の夢を見たのはなぜ? これは大聖杯が士郎をマスターとして選ぶためにコンタクトしていたのですか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130

Q: During the Shirou VS. Rider scene in Saber’s route, why didn’t her daggers kill him?

Q: During the Shirou VS. Rider scene in Saber’s route, why didn’t her daggers kill him? Was it because of the holy sheath embedded within his body? Or was it because his body had begun its swordification?

A: At that time, Shirou’s self-healing had already begun, but the nature of his regeneration was really quite indirect, “changing his muscles into blades in order to knit his wounds with swords.” That is actually what happened, regardless of what you saw during the scene in Saber’s route where Gilgamesh dealt him a mortal wound and Shirou appeared to have “masses of blades shaped like muscle fibers” in his body. So, Shirou’s innards are extremely durable. During the fight with Rider, she was able to injure Shirou with her stakes but it would have been more difficult and troublesome to fatally wound him, so she decided to kick him out the window instead.


A: あの時、士郎の自動治癒が始まっていたのですが、彼の肉体再生は“まず筋肉を刀身に変換して、穴の開いた部分を剣で縫いつける”という、実に回りくどい過程しています。

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130

Q: When Kotomine activated the Grail at Ryuudou Temple, what happened to Issei and the rest of the monks? Were they all sleeping?

Q: When Kotomine activated the Grail at Ryuudou Temple, what happened to Issei and the rest of the monks? Were they all sleeping?

A: They were passed out quite cheerfully. [note: Nasu says they all “batan Q’d” together quite cheerfully. It’s an expression that you use when you’ve worked/played until you collapse from exhaustion.]

Q:セイバールートにおいて、言峰が柳洞寺で聖杯を起動した時、寺の僧侶や一成たちはどうなっていたのでしょうか? 眠らされていたのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130

Q: In the end of the Rin route, was it Shirou that projected Rho Aias in the Shirou vs Gilgamesh fight?

Q: In the end of the Rin route, was it Shirou that projected Rho Aias in the Shirou vs Gilgamesh fight? Or was it Archer? In "Fate/side material", it's said that it was projection magic from Archer, but in the story, there was the depiction of Shirou "pulling the shield from the hill". Does this mean that this switched to Archer's scene?

A: This has been easy to misunderstand, but the part about Archer supporting Shirou was the time before Shirou pulled out Rho Aias, before Shirou came to his realization. After Shirou's monologue about his surprise that he was still alive after taking Gil's attack, "If I survived, there must have been a reason why I survived. But that was simply something I didn't have any control over." That was the "Rho Aias" that Archer made to help Shirou in a way that wouldn't let Gilgamesh know there was someone else waiting to ambush him.

Q:凛ルートのラスト、士郎対ギルガメッシュ戦において"熾天覆う七つの円環ロー・アイアス"を投影したのは士郎なのですか?それともアーチャーなのですか?『Fate/side material』ではアーチャーによる投影魔術となっていますが、物語中では士郎が「丘から盾を引きずり上げる」と描写されていました・・・・・・。これ自体がアーチャーの描写に切り換わっていたのでしょうか?

A: これ、勘違いされがちなのですが、アーチャーが士郎をフォローしたのは士郎が"熾天覆う七つの円環ロー・アイアス"を出す前、まだ悟りを開いてない時の話なのです。

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131

Q: Why did Zouken only send Sakura into actual combat in Sakura’s Route?

Q: Sakura only entered the Holy Grail War during her route, but not in others. Although I think she would develop as the “Black Grail” in any other route, why did Zouken only send her into actual combat in Sakura’s Route? Does that mean Zouken was not in the house in the other routes?

A: Actually Sakura would not develop as the “Black Grail” in any other route. However, when she was chosen by Shirou, “the person she does not wish to lose”, the negative emotions she kept bottled up all these years came flooding out, which accelerated the growth of “All the World’s Evil – Angra Mainyu”.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131
Q: In Sakura’s Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh?
Q: In Sakura’s Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh? Saber was blackened and enslaved, but was Gilgamesh’s will too strong to be dominated? Or was he completely digested?

A: He simply cannot be controlled. In fact Gilgamesh cannot be blackened. After being devoured by the Grail, Sakura converted Gilgamesh into mana in haste because she was afraid that Gilgamesh might tear her up from the inside if she does not digest him. However, His Majesty was very hard to digest, so “Angra Mainyu” must have been plagued by belly-ache (laughs).

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131
Q: It's thought that Sakura had become "a threat to humanity" in the Sakura route, but was the human Counter Force in action at this time?
Q: It's thought that Sakura had become "a threat to humanity" in the Sakura route, but was the human Counter Force in action at this time?

A: It hadn't occurred at that stage yet. ...On the other hand, whether or not the Counter Force moved could turn into one of those endless arguments...

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131
Q: Shinji’s death was obviously a homicide. Was his death covered up by the Magic Association or the Holy Church?
Q: In Sakura’s route, Shinji’s death was obviously a homicide (though, whether the M.O. can be classified as such by modern forensic science is another matter) so I thought the police would have started an investigation, but there’s no sign of that in the ending. Was his death covered up by the Magic Association or the Holy Church?

A: The Church filed it as “a casualty of the Holy Grail War.”

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.130-131
Q: At the end of Sakura Route, the shape of the Shirou resurrected by the Third Magic was not human, correct?
Q: At the end of Sakura Route, the shape of the Shirou resurrected by the Third Magic was not human, correct? If his shape was not human, how did they know which object was Shirou?

A: Rider used Rin's pendant as a landmark. As to the state that Shirou was in, I will leave it up to your imagination. Since Shirou was reconstructed from a portion of Illya's body, in terms of size, you would not expect him to be the same as the original. That was my thought process.

[v] Fate/complete material III: Tài liệu về thế giới quan - Trả lời những câu hỏi thường gặp cùng Nasu: Những câu hỏi tổng hợp về Fate, p.130-131
Hỏi: Có phải mạch truyện của Sakura là mạch truyện duy nhất mà Shirou cuối cùng sẽ trở thành Anh Linh không?
Hỏi: Suốt phần cuối cùng trong mạch truyện của Sakura, Shirou đã được cứu nhờ vào lượng mana ít ỏi còn sót lại trong mặt dây chuyền của Rin Tohsaka. Cũng tương tự như thế, dường như có vẻ Rin đã biết về sự khác biệt giữa lượng mana còn sót lại giữa vật cậu lấy lại từ Archer và vật cậu đang giữ, vậy liệu có phải mạch truyện của Sakura là mạch truyện duy nhất mà Shirou cuối cùng sẽ trở thành một Anh Linh? Hoặc ông có thể cho chúng tôi biết mạch truyện nào mà Shirou không trở thành một Anh Linh?

Đáp: Lúc này tôi chỉ có thể nói rằng cậu ta sẽ không trở thành một anh linh ở bất cứ mạch truyện nào cả, nhưng khả năng đó vẫn hiện diện ở tất cả các mạch truyện. Cơ bản là, xác suất xảy ra việc đó thì gần như bằng không.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: General Questions about Fate, p.131
Q: In Sakura’s Route, Archer seemed to already know the existence of the likes of Angra Mainyu, did he have experience in battling this type of enemies in other eras?

Q: In Sakura’s Route, Archer seemed to already know the existence of the likes of Angra Mainyu, did he have experience in battling this type of enemies in other eras?

A: He fought such things when he was alive, but had to retreat because there was nothing he could do. Also, after reaching the Throne of Heroes, he had an understanding of the target of the Counter Force.



Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131

Q: Just how well-known is the Fuyuki Holy Grail War among magi around the world? Is it of major significance, or unexpectedly minor importance, like a secret war that isn’t talked about among magi?

Just how well-known is the Fuyuki Holy Grail War among magi around the world? Is it of major significance, or unexpectedly minor importance, like a secret war that isn’t talked about among magi?

A: It’s minor. The stakes were highest up until the Second War, before the Church got involved.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131

Q: The Holy Grail War is unknown to the general population, but to what extent is it hidden from normal people? Are the Church people (supervisors) manipulating the media and police (or even the governmental level) to cover it up?

The Holy Grail War is unknown to the general population, but to what extent is it hidden from normal people? Are the Church people (supervisors) manipulating the media and police (or even the governmental level) to cover it up?

A: The Church manipulates information, while the Magic Association handles the media. Also, the Association has the Einzbern cover the cost of any collateral damage.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131

Q: Why is it that Tohsaka Rin didn’t know about the original goal of the Holy Grail War to open a “hole” beyond the World?

Q: Why is it that Tohsaka Rin, as the legitimate heir to the legacy of the Three Houses, didn’t know about the original goal of the Holy Grail War to open a “hole” beyond the World? I would have thought that the Tohsaka family would have kept some records regarding the true nature of the Holy Grail War. ...Could it be that Rin just never saw those records?

A: It was because of her Papa’s untimely, careless death.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: By what criteria does the Holy Grail choose its Masters?

Q: By what criteria does the Holy Grail choose its Masters?

A: They have to be magi possessing magic circuits, be of sufficient stature to summon a Heroic Spirit, and be heretics, of a sort. Of course, the Three Houses take priority.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: Is the will of the Greater Grail, which selects Masters, the same will of Justicia who was offered as a sacrifice for the ritual that created it? Or does the Greater Grail lack any kind of volition?

Q: Is the will of the Greater Grail, which selects Masters, the same will of Justicia who was offered as a sacrifice for the ritual that created it? Or does the Greater Grail lack any kind of volition?

A: The Greater Grail does not have a will. Justicia’s soul was completely sublimated.

Q:マスターを選定する大聖杯の意思とは、聖杯建造に生け贄として奉げられたユスティーツァの意志なのでし ょうか? それとも大聖杯に意志などないのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: I thought that the Lesser Grail collected “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)” when it was defeated during the Third Holy Grail War, but then how was the Greater Grail corrupted by “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)”? Is it because energy flows from the Lesser Grail to the Greater Grail when the two are linked?
Q: I thought that the Lesser Grail collected “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)” when it was defeated during the Third Holy Grail War, but then how was the Greater Grail corrupted by “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)”? Is it because energy flows from the Lesser Grail to the Greater Grail when the two are linked?

A: It’s because Avenger himself is “a Heroic Spirit born into existence according to people’s wishes”. Other Heroic Spirits are recognized as true heroes, but Avenger represents the belief that “heroes” are lies and fabrications. The enshrinement of humanity’s selfish desires turned Avenger into a Heroic Spirit, creating a direct connection to the wish-granting function of the Holy Grail. The Greater Grail, “activated 3 times without granting anyone’s wishes”, turned into its present state as there was still a chance to grant somebody’s wish. As a result, Avenger was born into this world in order to grant everybody’s desire for an existence like “All the World’s Evil (Angra Mainyu)”.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: When there are enough Servants in the Holy Grail, do they just remain there in the Grail (Greater or Lesser) without returning to the Throne of Heroes, as long as the pathway has not yet been opened (assuming the Grail isn’t damaged)?
Q: When there are enough Servants in the Holy Grail, do they just remain there in the Grail (Greater or Lesser) without returning to the Throne of Heroes, as long as the pathway has not yet been opened (assuming the Grail isn’t damaged)?

A: When the Holy Grail goes into hibernation, it puts its accumulated mana into storage. When 7 Servants are present, their spiritual cores will be released and the Heroic Spirits’ bodies will disappear from this world. The cores alone will then return to the Throne of Heroes

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: Even though it should only happen every 60 years, was the 10 year gap between the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars as short as it was because the Lesser Grail was destroyed before the Greater Grail could direct the accumulated mana to establish its pathway trapped some unused mana in the Grail?
Q: Even though it should only happen every 60 years, was the 10 year gap between the Fourth and Fifth Holy Grail Wars as short as it was because the Lesser Grail was destroyed before the Greater Grail could direct the accumulated mana to establish its pathway trapped some unused mana in the Grail?

A: That’s true. In fact, you could say that the function of the Greater Grail was already muddled when when it was impregnated with Avenger in the Third War.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: Kotomine said that he had a replica of the Holy Grail that could communicate with the dead, but was that just a lie?
Q: Kotomine said that he had a replica of the Holy Grail that could communicate with the dead, but was that just a lie?

A: It was a priest’s harmless lie! To gain the approval of outside magi, he kept a Grail look-alike in order to have “a sacred relic that grants bargaining power”!

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: What is Illya’s capacity as a Grail?
Q: What is Illya’s capacity as a Grail? Hypothetically, if the Einzbern won the War, Illya absorbed the other 6 Servants besides Berserker, and had some shred of human will left, could she still don the Dress of Heaven and initiate the Grail ritual?

A: That’s what Liz and Sella are for. Illya can only take up to 4 - I would think that absorbing a fifth Servant wouldn’t allow her to function as a human any longer.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Holy Grail War, p.131
Q: Was Berserker summoned without the aid of the Greater Grail, using Illya’s uncommonly high mana capacity?
Q: I thought that Servants can materialize in physical form because of the Holy Grail, but how was Berserker summoned 2 months before the Greater Grail was active? Was he summoned without the aid of the Greater Grail, using Illya’s uncommonly high mana capacity?

A: It was due to the ease of requesting material gathered at the Greater Grail, and some cheating, characteristic of the Einzbern. Although, Old Man Acht did not expect Illya to successfully summon a Servant a full 2 months in advance

Lệnh Chú[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132
Q: In Saber’s route, there was a scene where Illya was frightened by Gil’s appearance, and her Command Seal was described as “glowing.” Is this because Illya’s Command Seals are different than those of other Masters? Are the Seals her Thaumaturgical Crest or something?

Q: In Saber’s route, there was a scene where Illya was frightened by Gil’s appearance, and her Command Seal was described as “glowing.” Is this because Illya’s Command Seals are different than those of other Masters? Are the Seals her Thaumaturgical Crest or something?

A: Illya’s Command Seals are also her Magic Circuits, so the generation of mana causes it to appear as if she is activating her Seals.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132
Q: This is a question about contracts with multiple Servants. Can Command Spells be used on any of the Servants? Hypothetically, if someone was bound to two Servants, would the magus be able to use four or more Command Spells?

Q: This is a question about contracts with multiple Servants. Can Command Spells be used on any of the Servants? Hypothetically, if someone was bound to two Servants, would the magus be able to use four or more Command Spells?

A: Even when contracted with multiple Servants, a Master only receives three Command Spells (assuming none have been stolen from other Masters, etc.), so you can’t have four Command Spells for a single Servant or anything like that. Also, there’s nothing wrong with concentrating all Command Spells on a single Servant. The problems begin after all Command Spells have been used up.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132
Q: Can Command Seals be easily transferred between magi? From the conversation between Caren and Bazett, it sounded like a simple matter, but was this because their mutual consent would make it so?

Q: Can Command Seals be easily transferred between magi? From the conversation between Caren and Bazett in the sequel Fate/hollow ataraxia, it sounded like a simple matter, but was this because their mutual consent would make it so? In Fate/stay night, when people like Caster and Rin talk about taking Shirou’s Command Seals, they mentioned painful things like amputating his arm and extracting the nerves...

A: Basically, with mutual consent, a precise and time-consuming transplant procedure is possible. Caster didn’t want to take the time to properly transfer the Seals, so she decided to cut off Shirou’s arm and take it with her.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132
Q: How was the book (Book of the False Attendant) that Shinji was using as a Command Spell created? Was Sakura’s Command Seal transplanted into a grimoire? Or did Sakura use her Command Spell to order Rider to obey his orders while he held the book? It’s just, since it was Shinji’s mark of authority, I was wondering why the book burst into flames after Rider’s death.

Q: How was the book (Gishin no Sho, Tome of the False Attendant) that Shinji was using as a Command Spell created? Was Sakura’s Command Seal transplanted into a grimoire? Or did Sakura use her Command Spell to order Rider to obey his orders while he held the book? It’s just, since it was Shinji’s mark of authority, I was wondering why the book burst into flames after Rider’s death.

A: As a book originally created for use in magical contracts anyway, the Tome of the False Attendant was adapted to serve as a Command Spell. The authority of Rider’s Master was implanted into the book. Strictly speaking, the power binding Rider lies in the Command Spell written in the book, not the book itself.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132
Q: After Caster summoned Assassin (Sasaki Kojirou), was she branded with Command Seals?

Q: After Caster summoned Assassin (Sasaki Kojirou), was she branded with Command Seals? I ask because I don’t think she ever used a Command Spell on Assassin.

A: She had something similar to a Command Spell. Though, as a fake Master with a fake Servant, it wasn’t something as powerful as a true Command Spell. While she may not originally have received any Command Spells, Caster may have skillfully borrowed the power of the Greater Grail to forge herself an imitation.

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Command Spells, p.132
Q: If there were more than seven classes of Servants, is there a reason the classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker that participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War were chosen?

Q: If there were more than seven classes of Servants, is there a reason the classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker that participated in the Fifth Holy Grail War were chosen?

A: This is the basic line-up. The class distinctions exist so that Heroic Spirits with similar characteristics won't conflict with each other. [e.g., if two swordsmen are chosen to be among the seven Servants, only one will be summoned as a Saber.]


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132

Q: What is the basis for the ranks assigned to Servants’ abilities and skills? Also, who or what assigns the ranks? Is it the will of the Greater Grail? Or the opinion of the Master?

Q: What is the basis for the ranks assigned to Servants’ abilities and skills? Also, who or what assigns the ranks? Is it the will of the Greater Grail? Or the opinion of the Master?

A: The summoning Master and local attributes have some influence, but it’s basically the hero’s known exploits, and the recognition afforded them by the people of the world, that decide these rankings.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Hỏi đáp cùng Nasu: Servant, trang 132 [T]

Hỏi: Có thể nghĩ Linh Hạch của Servant là một thứ gì đó giống như điểm yếu chí mạng mà họ sẽ chết ngay khi nó bị phá hủy, tương tự như trái tim con người không?

Hỏi: Có thể nghĩ Linh Hạch của Servant là một thứ gì đó giống như điểm yếu chí mạng mà họ sẽ chết ngay khi nó bị phá hủy, tương tự như trái tim con người không?

Đáp: Tim và não chắc chắn là những điểm yếu chí mạng. Chúng là thứ khác với Linh Hạch, nhưng có thể coi chúng giống những cơ quan kết nối trực tiếp với Linh Hạch hơn.
Khi Linh Hạch bị suy yếu do tiêu thụ ma lực hoặc cơ thể bị tổn thương, trong trạng thái chịu tác động bởi lượng ma lực hùng hậu, lời nguyền hay Bảo Khí, nó sẽ không thể duy trì trong thế giới hiện tại, và Servant sẽ tan biến.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, trang 132 [T]

Hỏi: Những Anh Linh không phải Thủ Hộ Giả sẽ được thế giới trao cho vai trò như thế nào? Còn nữa, làm sao các pháp sư lại gọi lên được những người có Thần Tính cao, hoặc đã trở thành một sự tồn tại thuộc về hành tinh này?

Hỏi: Những Anh Linh không phải Thủ Hộ Giả sẽ được thế giới trao cho vai trò như thế nào? Còn nữa, làm sao các pháp sư lại gọi lên được những người có Thần Tính cao, hoặc đã trở thành một sự tồn tại thuộc về hành tinh này?

Đáp: Anh Linh không phải Thủ Hộ Giả đơn thuần là được đối xử như một sự truyền thừa cho những người thuộc đời sau mượn sức mạnh. Những người đã trở thành một sự tồn tại thuộc về hành tinh này thì không tương hợp với con người, nên sẽ rơi vào thể loại Thần Linh và Tinh Linh.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132

Q: As a percentage, how much are the abilities of blackened Servants enhanced? Or, when such Servants have an excess mana supply like Saber (Artoria) did, can they reach a level of power comparable to or greater than what they had in life?

Q: As a percentage, how much are the abilities of blackened Servants enhanced? Or, when such Servants have an excess mana supply like Saber (Artoria) did, can they reach a level of power comparable to or greater than what they had in life?

A: They’re like runaway cars that never run out of fuel. Except, since they’re out of control, fine handling is impossible!



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Hỏi đáp cùng Nasu: Servant, trang 132 [T]

Hỏi: Nếu trong trường hợp vũ đài của Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh đặt ở châu Âu, thì có phải Cú Chulainn (Lancer), Vua Arthur (Saber) và Heracles (Berserker) sẽ sở hữu năng lực tương đối ngang nhau?

Hỏi: Nếu trong trường hợp vũ đài của Cuộc Chiến Chén Thánh đặt ở châu Âu, thì có phải Cú Chulainn (Lancer), Vua Arthur (Saber) và Heracles (Berserker) sẽ sở hữu năng lực tương đối ngang nhau?

A: ...Không, nếu nói về phạm vi Tây Âu thì hai người đầu tiên sẽ được tăng cường sức mạnh gần tương đương... nhưng nếu là ở Anh và Ireland thì ngược lại đấy. Còn Heracles sẽ phát huy sức mạnh tột đỉnh trên khắp cả Tây Âu.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - Hỏi đáp cùng Nasu: Servant, trang 132-133 [T]

Hỏi: Mặc dù vũ đài đặt ở Nhật Bản, nhưng tại sao lại có ít Anh Linh gốc Nhật như vậy? Đó có phải vì "Chén Thánh" là một khái niệm phương Tây (Thiên Chúa giáo) không?

Hỏi: Mặc dù vũ đài đặt ở Nhật Bản, nhưng tại sao lại có ít Anh Linh gốc Nhật như vậy? Đó có phải vì "Chén Thánh" là một khái niệm phương Tây (Thiên Chúa giáo) không?

Đáp: Đúng thế đấy.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.132-133

Q: What was the sport that Saber said she liked, that used swords to play on large stretches of land? Could it be golf? Or maybe polo?

Q: What was the sport that Saber said she liked, that used swords to play on large stretches of land? Could it be golf? Or maybe polo?

A: It was an ancestor of golf. Please think of it as “something like golf that was around before golf was conceived.”

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: In the Saber route, Saber terminated her contract with the World by breaking the Grail by her own will, but in the end, wouldn't a hero of the caliber of King Arthur end up being removed from the cycle of transmigration as a Heroic Spirit after death?

Q: In the Saber route, Saber terminated her contract with the World by breaking the Grail by her own will, but in the end, wouldn't a hero of the caliber of King Arthur end up being removed from the cycle of transmigration as a Heroic Spirit after death?

A: King Arthur's goin' to Avalon.
Among the English, King Arthur's still a person of the present. After all, she's the "future King who will be back"



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Even in Rin’s route, Saber voluntarily destroyed the Holy Grail. Did this time also break her contract with the World, and make it impossible for her to exist as a Heroic Spirit?

Q: Even in Rin’s route, Saber voluntarily destroyed the Holy Grail. Did this time also break her contract with the World, and make it impossible for her to exist as a Heroic Spirit?

A: It was a flawed Grail, so you could say it was halfway done. Since Saber reconsidered her life and found her own path... this time, perhaps she could become a Heroic Spirit on her own.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Around what age did Archer (Emiya Shirou) form a contract with the World as a Guardian?

Q: Around what age did Archer (Emiya Shirou) form a contract with the World as a Guardian?

A: From his late twenties to early thirties.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: When and where did Archer (Emiya Shirou) acquire his red overcoat (a holy shroud)?

Q: When and where did Archer (Emiya Shirou) acquire his red overcoat (a holy shroud)? Or, was the shroud he used in Sakura’s route an original one?

A: When he began working as a freelance magus in his twenties, he received it from a certain curry-loving member of the clergy... now that would make a nice story, it would.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Archer's greatest defense is "Rho Aias", but if he were the same person as Shirou...

Q: Archer's greatest defense is "Rho Aias", but if he were the same person as Shirou, shouldn't his greatest protection be "Avalon"? In the Rin route, Archer knew that the holy sword's sheath was inside Shirou, so wouldn't the Heroic Spirit form of the Shirou that "knew" that the sheath was merged with him be Archer?

A: Avalon’s power won't work if Saber's not connected to it. It's a different story during the Grail War, but all it does when Saber isn't around is make Shirou's magic attribute into "sword". Also, after the Grail War is taken apart, the line between him and her will be gone, so it's best to think that his image of "Avalon" also disappeared.

Q:アーチャーの最高の守りは"熾天覆う七つの円冠ロー・アイアス"とのことですが、彼が士郎と同一人物なら"全て遠く理想郷アヴァロン"が最高の守りではないのでしょうか? 凛ルートアーチャーは士郎に聖剣の鞘が埋まっていることを知っていたようですから、聖剣の鞘が自分に同化していることを"知っている"士郎が英霊化した存在がアーチャーではないのでしょうか?

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Who arranged to get Rider’s "Mystic Eye Killer" contact lenses at the end of Sakura’s route?

Q: Who arranged to get Rider’s "Mystic Eye Killer" contact lenses at the end of Sakura’s route? And was the creator of those glasses Aozaki Touko?

A: Touko-san seems to pop up everywhere... "Ah, for inquiries about Mystic Eyes, haunting ghosts, or troubles with ungrateful little sisters, please- please call Garan no Dou~"



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: When Rider is on a motorcycle, can she go faster than GP Rider?

'Q: When Rider is on a motorcycle, can she go faster than GP Rider? Also, when she’s on a bicycle, about how many kilometers per hour can she go up to?

A: She’d be a match for Wayne Gardner. As for a bicycle, she’d accelerate endlessly until the bike itself broke down. “It would be nice if I could Mana Burst like Saber...” were her actual words. Thus, she yearns badly for a racing bike that can go even faster.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Caster's ability as a magus is at the wizard level, but is it possible for Caster (Medea) to become a wizard in the future? Also, are there beings that have a "higher level as magi" than the current wizards?

Q: Caster's ability as a magus is at the wizard level, but is it possible for Caster (Medea) to become a wizard in the future? Also, are there beings that have a "higher level as magi" than the current wizards?

A: Caster's a magus back in the day that true magic was common so she wouldn't have good affinity with the "Five True Magics of the Modern Era" anyhow, so, she isn't going to be able to pick up True Magic.
Also there are actually quite a few magi with level higher than the current wizards. In the first place, Aozaki Aoko herself is inferior as a magus than the lecturers of the Clock Tower.

Q:キャスターの魔術師としての実力は魔法使いレベルとのことですが、キャスター(メディア)が今後魔法使いになる可能性はあるのでしょうか? また現存する魔法使いより"魔術師としてのレベルが高い"存在はいるのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Caster summoned Kojirou as an irregular Master, but was there a person who would have summoned Assassin as a regular Master (someone with the sign of the bruise)? Or was that Zouken?

Q: Caster summoned Kojirou as an irregular Master, but was there a person who would have summoned Assassin as a regular Master (someone with the sign of the bruise)? Or was that Zouken?

A: Caster found him before he could do the summoning...



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Which class would it be that Herakles could demonstrate his true power the most?

Q: About Herakles who was summoned as Berserker, it seems like he can become Saber or Archer. If he had been summoned in a different class, which class would it be that he could demonstrate his true power the most?

A: Surprisingly, it would be Archer. Archer is a ranger so it's a pretty comfortable class to someone like him who overcame many trials with knowledge and resourcefulness.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Did the man known as Sasaki Kojirou have a real name?

Q: Did the man known as Sasaki Kojirou have a real name?

A: There is speculation that Kojirou’s real name was Tsuda, etc., but the man known as Assassin has no name.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Could you tell us the rest of the incantation for Protection Against Wind, which was "----hu A--a-" in the glossary? Or would that be a problem?

Q: Could you tell us the rest of the incantation for Protection Against Wind, which was "----hu A--a-" in the glossary? Or would that be a problem?

A: No waaay. I could neeever speak a name of such weight. I’d be stabbed in the baaack.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Servants, p.133

Q: Was Zouken branded with Command Seals after he summoned True Assassin through Kojirou’s body? Or, not being human, did he not receive them? Also, was this the proper way of summoning the regular Assassin?

Q: Was Zouken branded with Command Seals after he summoned True Assassin through Kojirou’s body? Or, not being human (and a bunch of worms that infest Sakura), did he not receive them? Also, was this the proper way of summoning the regular Assassin?

A: Even though Assassin’s Command Spells were fake, Caster still had them, so additional ones were not created. True Assassin’s summoning ritual was most certainly outside the norm.

Q:臓硯は小次郎の身体を媒介に真アサシンを召喚しましたが、臓硯には令呪が刻まれていたのでしょうか? 本人が人間ではなく桜に寄生する蟲であったため、刻まれることはなかった? また、この召喚は正規のアサシンの召喚方法として正しかったのでしょうか?


Bảo Khí[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: What did you have in mind when you created these original Noble Phantasms (“Bounded Field of the Wind King: Invisible Air”, “All-Violating Talisman: Rule Breaker”)?

Q: Though many Servants possess Noble Phantasms that appear in their actual myths and legends, there were some that felt like original creations for the game. What did you have in mind when you created these original Noble Phantasms (“Bounded Field of the Wind King: Invisible Air”, “All-Violating Talisman: Rule Breaker”)?

A: Invisible Air was simply a form of sorcery meant to conceal a Noble Phantasm. I thought that surely Merlin could have managed that somehow! Heroic Spirits that possess overly famous Noble Phantasms have a trick or two to hide their true identities.
[As for Rule Breaker,] I created it from her image as a treacherous archmage. I figured she would be too weak with only her Dragon’s Teeth soldiers.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW?

Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW? The highest level of NP (sword types) is probably Ea, but while it might be impossible for Shirou, could Archer make it? Also, under the meaning of weapons, to what extent can he make modern weapons? Must it be only blade types or can he make guns and mobile weapons?

A: Divine constructs like Ea and Excalibur are non-replicable. There might be some degraded NPs with similar performance in stock though. Also, since sword is becoming his origin, the weapons that he has stored are fundamentally limited to close combat.

Q:"無限の剣製アンリミテッドブレイドワークス"における複製の限界はどのあたりでしょうか? 宝具(剣系)の最上位はおそらく乖離剣エアだと思いますが、士郎では無理でもアーチャーなら複製可能でしょうか? そして武器という意味では、現代兵器はどの程度まで複製可能でしょうか?刀剣類までなのか、銃や機動兵器なども可能なのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: If the original Kansho and Bakuya take the stage in the Holy Grail War, as the twin swords reaching the realm of Gods...

Q: If the original Kansho and Bakuya take the stage in the Holy Grail War, as the twin swords reaching the realm of Gods due to the sacrifice of human lives, will they possess powers as Noble Phantasms? Or, since they did not have wielders in the legend, thus cannot become Noble Phantasms?

A: Absolutely without a doubt that they will be true Noble Phantasms. They will be extremely strong anti-monster Noble Phantasms. Rider's ultimate form--Gorgon Lv100, or the extra-dimensional evil god summoned by Gilles, will all be cut down in a single strike.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: Does “King’s Treasure: Gate of Babylon” contain things such as rare but weak Noble Phantasms?

Q: Does “King’s Treasure: Gate of Babylon” contain things such as rare but weak Noble Phantasms? I noticed he kept wine in there in Fate/Zero, so I was wondering if Gilgamesh’s everyday meals were in there as well.

A: Anything can be found in there. Like a meat that multiplies in proportion to how much is eaten. He’s definitely the “NEET of Babylon.”



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: Rider's eye cover, Breaker Gorgon, does it allow her to see what's before her?

Q: Rider's eye cover, Breaker Gorgon, does it allow her to see what's before her? Also, the Mystic Eyes Killer Rider is wearing, does it have a comparable sealing power as this Noble Phantasm?

A: Her sight is completely sealed. Although Rider perceives the world through senses such as hearing, touch, smell, and magic-detection, she is able to acquire more precise information than sight.
About the glasses, it only seals the power of petrification. It does not act like the Breaker Gorgon, which "seals all magical properties".



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: If Caster had a skill (dragon summoning skill) that let her use the Golden Fleece, would she be able to escape the rank of being the weakest Servant?

Q: If Caster had a skill (dragon summoning skill) that let her use the Golden Fleece, would she be able to escape the rank of being the weakest Servant? Also, will the spirit in the Golden Fleece ever see the light of day? He's cute so I wanted to see him in color.

A: She'd move up to the middle rank, I think. Oh, but, the Colchis dragon isn't that strong right....

Q:もしキャスターに金羊の皮を使いこなす技(竜召喚技能)があれば、彼女は最弱のサーヴァントな地位から脱することはできたのでしょうか? また、金羊の皮に宿る精霊は、日の目を見ることはありますでしょうか?かわいいからカラーで見たかったです。


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: Berserker's NP, "Nine Lives" has the form of a bow and arrow set it seems, but is there something special about it's form as a NP? Also, does "Nine Lives" as a skill simultaneously release 9 strikes?

Q: Berserker's NP, "Nine Lives" has the form of a bow and arrow set it seems, but is there something special about it's form as a NP? Also, does "Nine Lives" as a skill simultaneously release 9 strikes?

A: Nine Lives is more like one style rather than one armament. There's the Nine Lives using a bow, the Nine Lives using a sword, the Nine Lives using a shield, and so on. And what led to the making of that style was the killing of the Hydra, and like that, he simultaneously annihilated 100 heads with a bow.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Noble Phantasms, p.134

Q: Is there any way to defend against "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya"?

Q: Is there any way to defend against "Delusional Heartbeat: Zabaniya"?

A: One can simply stay out of True Assassin’s range, have high enough MGI to dispel the cursed mirror image heart that Zabaniya creates, or have high enough Luck to avoid it without any problem.



Ma Thuật và Ma Thuật Sư[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135
Q: Exactly what kind of power is sorcery? Is it something that can’t be used by normal people even if they obtained grimoires and studied them? Or is it something that is possible only with knowledge gained from performing magical rituals drawing on the Root?

Q: Exactly what kind of power is sorcery? Is it something that can’t be used by normal people even if they obtained grimoires and studied them? Or is it something that is possible only with knowledge gained from performing magical rituals drawing on the Root?

A: It is an occult art, grounded in and actualized via the Fifth Imaginary Element. Sorcery harnesses mana to interfere with phenomena; it is a shortcut that creates artificial changes in the world. ...That’s about as clear as fog, so to put it simply, it utilizes energies that don’t exist in reality, like mana, as elements to make reactions happen.
Above all, sorcery requires the generation of mana, so people without Magic Circuits cannot practice sorcery no matter how diligently they study its theories.

Q:魔術とは、いったいどんな力なのでしょうか? 一般人が仮に魔道書を手に入れて勉強としても、使うことはできないものなのでしょうか? それとも大源(マナ)を使って儀式を行う魔術なら知識だけでも可能なのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135
Q: What kind of humans are magi? Aside from the "Magic Circuits" that normal people dont have, is there any other difference in their body composition?

Q: What kind of humans are magi? Aside from the "Magic Circuits" that normal people dont have, is there any other difference in their body composition?

A: It basically comes down to whether someone has Magic Circuits or not.

Q:魔術師とは、どのように人間なのでしょうか? 一般人とは”魔術回路”以外に、何か体のつくりが異なることがあるのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135
Q: Even though mana powers sorcery, if the practice of sorcery came down not to “technique” but rather “fist motion”, would magi be unable to sense mana?

Q: Even though mana powers sorcery, if the practice of sorcery came down not to “technique” but rather “fist motion”, would magi be unable to sense mana?

A: They can’t sense mana if it isn’t flowing. It’s in the same way you can’t ‘feel’ yourself being jinxed, or prayers to a god.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135
Q: Conceptual Weapons are soul smashers that beat the opponent not physically but with the weight of the soul, but would it be possible to kill only the soul of a normal person, rather than something supernatural?

Q: Conceptual Weapons are fixed magical items which execute a predetermined phenomenon. They're soul smashers ("outbreakers") that beat the opponent not physically but with the weight of the soul, but would it be possible to kill only the soul of a normal person, rather than something supernatural?

A: Yes, but the effect would be reduced. Or rather, against a mundane opponent, mere physical attacks would suffice. Physical interference is not possible against formless things, such as manifestations of laws or delusions. That's why Conceptual Weapons exist, because beings that exist via concepts can only be killed by concepts.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135

Q: Why is the magic energy killing burial shroud able to stop magic energy?

Q: Why is the magic energy killing burial shroud able to stop magic energy? Is it a Conceptual Armament imparted with the meaning of "stopping magic energy"?

A: It's because it seals a certain event or returns it to normal. An air cleaner might be the way to describe it. Any more explanations on will appear eventually, I believe.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.135-136
Q: Are there any living owners of exceptional Mystic Eyes such as the “Jewel,” “Rainbow,” or “Gold” colors?

Q: Are there any living owners of exceptional Mystic Eyes such as the “Jewel,” “Rainbow,” or “Gold” colors?

A: They are rare, but they certainly exist. Powerful vampires naturally possess Gold eyes.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.136
Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association?

Q: Just what is Gazamy the Evil Spook thing that's been made out to be the top disaster in the Magic Association?

A: It's the name they call this magus that's locked in the bottom of the London Tower. Not that dangerous a person, but they say that no person has ever had a magic attribute as troublesome to magi as that. We'll eventually learn more of Gazamy probably.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Magecraft and Magi, p.136
Q: About a sacrament which performs purification by purification rituals like Kyrie Eleison, am I right in thinking that this was the same existence (has the same principle) as magic?

Q: About a sacrament which performs purification by purification rituals like Kyrie Eleison, am I right in thinking that this was the same existence (has the same principle) as magic?

A: They have the same principle, but that's normally a ritual that doesn't require one's own magic power. To an unworldly being, it's kind of like a sermon that tells it that "you don't have a place here" by illuminating it with the providence of the world.



Nhân vật[]

[v] Fate/complete material III: Tài liệu về thế giới quan - Trả lời những câu hỏi thường gặp cùng Nasu: Nhân vật, trang 134
Hỏi: Sản phẩm nào bán chạy nhất tại Copenhagen?[Edit]

Hỏi: Sản phẩm nào bán chạy nhất tại Copenhagen? Đồng thời, xin cho biết mỗi giờ Shirou kiếm được bao nhiêu khi làm việc bán thời gian tại đó?

Đáp: Whiskey. 950 yên mỗi giờ.

Q:コペンハーゲンの一番の売れ筋商品は何でしょうか? また、士郎がバイトしている時の時給はどれぐらいでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: Tài liệu về thế giới quan - Trả lời những câu hỏi thường gặp cùng Nasu: Nhân vật, trang 134

Hỏi: Có vẻ như Shirou nhận được tiền chi tiêu cho việc đưa Fujimura Raiga đi cùng khi làm những gì cậu ta yêu thích. Vậy những sở thích đó là gì?

Hỏi: Có vẻ như Shirou nhận được tiền chi tiêu cho việc đưa Fujimura Raiga đi khi làm những gì cậu ta yêu thích. Vậy những sở thích đó là gì?

Đáp: Đấu vật Sumo và đi săn.




[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Looking at the parameter rules and various attributes in Fate, I got the feeling that it was something that could be made into a game outside the visual novel genre. Were you hoping to make another type of game as well?

Q: Looking at the parameter rules and various attributes in Fate, I got the feeling that it was something that could be made into a game outside the visual novel genre. Were you hoping to make another type of game as well?

A: Yes, a simulation game. I think a wargame like Romance of the Three Kingdoms would be interesting.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: If you were to join the Holy Grail War, which Hero would you like to have as your Servant? Either Servants who were present in the story, or Heroes that were not present, please tell me.

Q: If you were to join the Holy Grail War, which Hero would you like to have as your Servant? Either Servants who were present in the story, or Heroes that were not present, please tell me.

A: Rider. (Fourth Holy Grail War, Fifth Holy Grail War, I am good with either.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: It’s said that there is only one territory in Japan where True Magic can be activated. Where is that place? The lands managed by the Aozaki?

Q: It’s said that there is only one territory in Japan where True Magic can be activated. Where is that place? The lands managed by the Aozaki?

A: Yes, the Aozaki lands. Though, now that the mysteries have been passed on to Aoko, the land itself is irrelevant.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Ma thú có ba cấp bậc, vậy còn Thần Thú, loài được cho là cấp bậc cao nhất, có những ai nổi tiếng vậy? Rồng có vẻ là tồn tại đặc thù có ba chủng thuộc tính, nhưng trong thế giới [Fate] có loại rồng có thể can thiệp vào thế giới hiện thực nào còn tồn tại không?

Q: Ma thú có ba cấp bậc, vậy còn Thần Thú, loài được cho là cấp bậc cao nhất, có những ai nổi tiếng vậy? Rồng có vẻ là tồn tại đặc thù có ba chủng thuộc tính, nhưng trong thế giới [Fate] có loại rồng có thể can thiệp vào thế giới hiện thực nào còn tồn tại không?

A: Moby Dick hoặc Typhoon? Mấy Thần Thú này có lẽ giống siêu vũ khí hơn là sinh vật sống.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Why did Bazett kill the magus sent from the Magic Association as her observer? If her official duty was to participate in the Holy Grail War on behalf of the Association, couldn’t she have cooperated with the observer to aim for victory?

Q: Why did Bazett kill the magus sent from the Magic Association as her observer? If her official duty was to participate in the Holy Grail War on behalf of the Association, couldn’t she have cooperated with the observer to aim for victory?

A: To put it frankly, it’s because the observer was dispatched by an opposing faction within the Association.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Is it safe to assume that Hollow's "Sequel" follows none of the three routes’ endings in Fate/stay night? (meaning a parallel universe with different possibilities)

Q: Is it safe to assume that Hollow's "Sequel" follows none of the three routes’ endings in Fate/stay night? (meaning a parallel universe with different possibilities)

A: It’s best if you don’t think too much about it (laugh).

Q:「hollow」の後日談の状態は、「Fate/stay night」での3つのルート以外のエンディング状態(別の可能性の平行世界)として考えて問題ないのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Why does Caren have Command Spells for Gilgamesh and Lancer? Could she have transplanted (inherited) them from Kotomine?

Q: Why does Caren have Command Spells for Gilgamesh and Lancer? Could she have transplanted (inherited) them from Kotomine?

A: Caren has no Command Spells. It's thanks to her force of personality and the threat that her death would mean their ends as well that she is able to control them. Because she’s the kind of woman who, if threatened with “You’re an annoying Master. I’ll kill you,” would seriously respond with “By all means.” Regarding the events of hollow, it’s fine to think of her as the mouthpiece for Kotomine’s personality.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: About Tsukihime, which has the same background world setting as Fate/stay night, which story happened first chronologically? And how many years apart are they?

Q: About Tsukihime, which has the same background world setting as Fate/stay night, which story happened first chronologically? And how many years apart are they?

A: The end of Tsukihime is the beginning of Fate/stay night.

Q:「Fate/stay night」と背景世界の設定を同じくする「月姫」ですが、物語上の時間軸的にどちらが先に起こっている事件なのでしょうか?そして何年ぐらい離れているのでしょうか?

A:「月姫」の事件の終わりが「Fate/stay night」の始まり。

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: How far away is Fate/stay night's Fuyuki from Tsukihime's Misaki?

Q: How far away is Fate/stay night's Fuyuki from Tsukihime's Misaki?

A: About the distance between Kantō and Kyūshū.

Q:「Fate/stay night」の冬木市を「月姫」の三咲町とは、どれぐらい距離が離れているのでしょうか?


[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Are Kotomine, Caren, and Ciel, who are all affiliated with the Church, personally acquainted with each other?

Q: Are Kotomine, Caren, and Ciel, who are all affiliated with the Church, personally acquainted with each other?

A: Currently, they are not. It’s possible that Ciel and Caren could meet, though.



[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors?

Q: Who would be stronger if Servants fought the 27 Ancestors? Servant's also have superhuman battle ability, but the 27 Ancestors are also superhuman monsters.... I got the impression that ORT, Primate Murder, Altrouge Brunestud, and so on were obviously stronger than Servants.

A: All I can is they're both powerful.... They're both beings that live in mystery, so the only thing that can be said is that it all depends on the situation the moment it comes done to ""having the means of killing the other guy somehow". Among those, Earth rules won't even apply to ORT in the first place and Primate Murder has the super advantage against primates so they're in a league of their own, I suppose. Speaking of which, for one Primate Murder, seven Guardians would be the appropriate amount.


A:どっちもどっち、としか・・・・・・。どちらも神秘に生きるものたちなので、"なんとかして殺す手段がある"時点で状況次第としか言えません。そんななか、 ORTはそもそも地球上でのルールが成立しないし、プライミッツマーダーは霊長に対して超有利なので別格でしょうか。ちなみに、プライミッツマーダー1匹に対して守護者七騎であたるのが妥当なところです。

[v] Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136

Q: Are the three routes of "Fate/stay night" parallel worlds existing at the same time? I was curious since I was how it would look to Zelretch.

Q: Are the three routes of "Fate/stay night" parallel worlds existing at the same time? I was curious since I was how it would look to Zelretch.

A: They're parallel... sort of. But if Zelretch was observing, it'd become true, and my feelings on the matter is that I'd rather two routes disappear if one was true.
If all of these became possible at the same time, the other routes would become meaningless.

Q:「Fate/stay night」の3ルートで、同時に存在する並行世界なのでしょうか?ゼルレッチが見ていたら、こんな感じに見えるのかと思いましたので。

